The instant Jensen’s gaze landed on him, Jason knew he’d hit a nerve. There was something Jensen wasn’t sharing. Something big. “Out with it, bro,” Jason prompted.

He dragged his hand over his face before saying, “I’ve made a decision, and I want your opinion.”

Jason let a slight grin appear. “I love giving my opinion. Shoot.”

“I want Marquetta to be my wife.”

Jason chuckled. Several months ago, Marquetta had saved Jensen from being flattened by a big-ass truck. Jensen had been head over heels with the blonde ever since. “And does she have a say in this decision?”

“Right now she hates me.”

Jason rolled his eyes. “I doubt it, but what’d you do?”

“I pissed her off when I told her I’d pay for her school in the fall.”

“What’s wrong with that? Seems like a decent gesture.”

Jensen threw up his hands. “I thought so too. I’d made a few investments, and they’d paid off. But you know Marquetta. She’s too proud and wants to stand on her own two feet. She thinks I’m trying to coddle her.”

Jason whistled low. “So apologize. And use flowers. Maybe chocolate.”

Jensen arched a brow. “Gee, ya think?”

“So, marriage huh?” Jason wondered what it’d be like to be that head-over-heels in love with a woman. He shuddered. “You haven’t known Marquetta all that long. How can you be so sure she’s the one?”

“I think I knew it the instant she saved my life. Dad always said that we’d know the instant we met ‘the one’. I never truly believed that until Marquetta.”

Jason was happy for his brother, even if he didn’t quite understand. “Well, she really is something. Smart, gorgeous, and she doesn’t put up with your shit. She’s got my vote.” Jason’s eyebrows pulled together as he asked, “You’re sure you’ll be content never…sampling any other fruit?”

Jensen merely smiled and said, “Yep. Believe it or not, I even imagine her pregnant with my child.

Crazy right?”

Jason held up his hands. “Hey, better you than me. And yes, I’ll gladly be your best man.”

Jensen stood, but before he left, he turned and said, “I’d be careful if I were you, man. Your turn could be coming sooner than you think.”

Jason mulled that over well after his brother had left. Just as he was about to get up and leave for the day, Seth and Ames walked in. “Where’s your brother headed? He looked like a man on a mission,” Ames said.

“He’s in the doghouse with Marquetta, and he aims to rectify this situation before he takes up permanent residence there.” Jason left off the part about the marriage proposal. That was Jason’s business to share. “What’s up with you two? Finished for the day?”

“Yep,” Seth said. Both men went straight to the large window and stared at AJ as she worked her fingers to the bone. Seth’s entire body was tense, and Ames looked as if he’d been struck dumb. Did they realize that every time their gazes landed on the petite AJ, they turned mute?

“What do you guys think of AJ being on the payroll?”

Seth nodded. “About time. She isn’t officially part of Man-Maid, but she helps out enough that she may as well be.”

Right now, she had both Seth and Ames running around in circles. Did the woman have any clue?

“She’s wearing those workout shorts again,” Seth grumbled as his concentration went back to AJ.

“I love those shorts,” Ames muttered right back.

Seth pushed away from the window and dropped into a chair. He ran a hand over his messy, sandy-blond hair, not that it mattered. It obviously hadn’t seen a comb in days. He wore worn-out jeans and the company’s black fitted T-shirt that read We Polish It Until It Shines in bold letters across the back with the Man-Maid logo on the front. “Yeah, and so does every other guy within touching distance of her.”

Ames kept his focus glued to AJ. Today he wore a pair of black slacks along with the company T-shirt. His collar-length black hair was combed and neat, probably in anticipation of seeing AJ.

Jason laughed. “Guys, if you both want her this badly, why don’t you just go get her?” He heard Seth and Ames both curse. Jason decided to push the matter a little harder. “You two have watched her for as long as you’ve known her. What’s it been, a year?” When the men nodded, Jason said, “Yet you both seem intent on being best buds with her. Why is that?”