Warmth filled her at his soft words. “Love you too, big brother,” she replied as she pushed out of his arms and pointed toward the door. “Now go and find some hot babe to flirt with.”

He chuckled as he brushed himself off. “If you insist.”

After Axel left, Marquetta gave in to the stormy sea of her emotions and let the tears fall. She cried for her lost baby. She cried for the sadness that seemed to bear down on her twenty-four hours a day. When she finally managed to dry up, she thought of her mom. There wasn’t a single thing wrong with a good cry, her mom would always say. Marquetta wished her mom were there now. Come to think of it, she’d probably tell her to suck it up and move on with her life. Julia Hayes had always been the no-nonsense type. And hadn’t Marquetta let Sheldon ruin enough of her life? Why should she let him take any more of her happiness? Axel was right—it was time to bury the past, once and for all.

The next day, Marquetta stood in the office at the back of the shop, angry enough to kill. The source of her ire? Her brother Gavin, with his powerful linebacker’s build, massive

shoulders and thick muscular arms. He tended to dominate a room with his masculine presence. Women always seemed to sense that primitive nature hidden underneath his easy smiles, because he was rarely without a date. His dark good looks and flirty glances had been a magnet for the opposite sex ever since their high school days. Everyone loved Gavin. But right now, Marquetta was ready to strangle him.

Today, he’d managed to turn what had started out as a pretty good day to crap when he’d tossed a customer out on his ear, all because he’d stared at Marquetta’s ass a little too long. It was beyond annoying the way he treated her. As if she were too weak to handle an overeager male customer.

“You had no right to kick that guy out of here. He was a customer, Gavin. What were you thinking?” She crossed her arms over her chest to keep from slapping him upside his frustrating head.

Gavin blinked as if trying to sort out the simple statement. “I don’t see why you’re so steamed, Markie. You’re my sister, and that fool was staring at your ass as if he’d just seen the Mona Lisa and couldn’t wait to touch it. And for the record, he was about to touch it. That’s why I intervened.” He pushed out of the chair and came toward her. “To hell with that shit. He can take his business elsewhere.”

She pointed a finger at his chest. “I may be your sister, but I’m not some silly, delicate woman who needs her big brother to protect her from the big, bad world.”

He frowned down at her. “I see.”

She threw her hands up as her anger took on a life of its own. “I see? That’s all you have to say for yourself?” She paced away from him. “I was handling that guy on my own. I didn’t need your help.”

He shoved a hand through his hair and let out a long breath. “It was for your—”

Marquetta turned back toward him and growled under her breath, “If you dare say that you did it for my own good, I swear, Gavin, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

A wry little grin appeared. “You’re a force to be reckoned with when you’re pissed, that much is clear.” He playfully tugged at a lock of her hair. “Okay, you win. I should’ve let you handle it.”

Marquetta forced herself to calm down, reminding her frantically beating heart that her brother did the annoying things he did out of love. “I know you mean well, but I’m all grown up now. I deserve to be treated like an adult.” Her voice hitched with emotion. “I won’t break as easily as you and Axel think.”

“I didn’t see it that way.” He took her in his arms. “I underestimated your strength, and I’m sorry. It’s just that Axel and I saw you hurt once. Exactly two years ago today, we watched you fall apart.” He cleared his throat and whispered, “You were pretty broken, Markie. I won’t let it happen again. Not ever.”

His words, so soft, were comforting. She only wanted her brothers to see her as an equal, not as a fragile piece of crystal. “If I get hurt again, it’s on me. Not you.” She shook her head. “Not Axel either. And I won’t break this time, I assure you.”

He pulled back and looked down at her. “Yes, I know. I guess I miss the little girl who needed her big brother to protect her. You’re so independent now.”

She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll always need you.” She touched his cheek with trembling fingers.

“Did I miss something?”

Marquetta and Gavin visibly jumped at their brother’s booming voice. His big body filled the doorway to the office.

Gavin rolled his eyes. “Just me being an idiot.”

Axel’s piercing eyes narrowed on his sister. “Anything I should know?”

A smile crept over her face as she walked toward him. “The only thing you should know is that it’s closing time, and I’m going home where a nice, hot bath awaits.”

Axel moved away from the door to let her leave. “Hey, before you go, there’s someone out there who’s requesting you.”


“He wants the artist. The one who’s so well known for her awesome paintings on sports cars and motorcycles.” He tapped her on the nose. “That’s you, sis.”

“I’m hardly well known.” She pulled her hair up and secured it with an elastic band she kept on her wrist. “After I’m through with him, I’m out of here.”

“If he stares at your ass, just knee him in the jewels,” Gavin said as if imparting some brilliant piece of wisdom.

Marquetta decided to tease Gavin. After his little stunt, she figured he deserved it. “I might want him to stare at my ass. Ever consider that?”