“I ran through the bank drive-through.” He shrugged and spread his legs out in front of him. Seth wore a pair of ripped-up jean shorts and a black, short-sleeve shirt. His messy, sandy-blond hair obviously hadn’t seen a comb in days. “Figured the other shit could wait.”

She laughed. “Or you figured you’d try and talk me into doing them for you.”

He put his hand on her thigh and grinned. “It didn’t occur to me, but now that you mention it…”

She swatted him on the arm. “You’re hopeless.”

Yep, Seth clearly had it just as bad for AJ as Ames. Jensen spotted Jason watching the display just as intently, a frown marring his brows. What would happen if they both made a play for her? Who would AJ choose? In a way, AJ was like a little sister to him and Jason. Neither of them would care to see her hurt because Seth and Ames decided to play tug-of-war with her heart.

Jason cleared his throat and asked, “So, who wants pizza?”

Everyone started talking at once.

A half hour later, they were scarfing down a large pepperoni and a medium sausage with extra cheese. Once they were nearly finished, AJ asked, “You two seemed pretty serious when I got here. What were you discussing anyway?”

Jensen snagged the last piece of pepperoni just as Jason reached for it, which earned him the finger. “We’ve decided we hate our day jobs and we’re ready to win the lottery so we can retire and move to Bali.”

Ames laughed and moved to toss his paper plate in the trash. “Win a few million for me while you’re at it, will ya?”

Jason closed the box and tossed his napkin on the table. “To be honest, we’re trying to figure out what sort of business we could run.”

“You want to own your own company?” AJ asked. “Since when?”

“Since a semi nearly ran me down today,” Jensen answered. An image of the blonde woman sprang into his mind. He wondered if Janice would have a name for him yet and tapped out a quick text, then waited for her to reply.

AJ’s soft brown eyes filled with concern. “Seriously?”

“Yep.” Jensen winked at AJ. “If it weren’t for some woman pulling me out of the way, I wouldn’t even be sitting here right now.”

“Oh my God,” AJ cried.

Jason quirked an eyebrow at him. “We need to get him a slightly less boring job so he’ll stop daydreaming.”

Jensen rolled his eyes. “Whatever,” he grumbled. “It’s never going to happen if we can’t figure out what the hell to do.”

Seth leaned forward and said, “You two interested in another partner for this yet-to-be-decided business?”

Jason swung his gaze toward him. “Why, are you interested?”

“I might be,” Seth replied in a low voice as he studied Ames. ?

?What about you?”

Ames pointed to himself. “I’m a roofer, guys. I’m already my own boss. And it keeps me pretty busy.”

“True, but you were just saying that you’d like to have something more permanent for the winter months.”

He nodded. “It can be tough to find work once October’s cold weather hits.” He stared at Jensen. “I’m in if you don’t mind me being seasonal.”

Jensen chuckled. “We don’t even know what this fictional business is yet.”

AJ grabbed the empty pizza boxes off the table and started cleaning up their mess. “How about you start a maid service? Since, you know, you’re both so good at cleaning up after yourselves.”

Jensen knew she was kidding. AJ’s playful, sarcastic tone made that plain enough. Still, the idea somehow didn’t seem so ridiculous to Jensen. When he peered over at his brother, he could see the same spark of interest in him as well. “An all-male maid service,” Jensen said, voicing his thoughts aloud. “Why do I like that idea?”

“Hell if I know, but it’s growing on me too.”

Ames held his hands up in the air. “Whoa, cleaning toilets for a living? Seriously?”