“Erik and I dated once, remember?” She knew he remembered, because at the time Devon had told her she could do better. Still, she felt compelled to remind him.

“I remember,” he said, his voice low, hard.

“So do I,” Con said from behind her. “He was an ass then and he’s an ass now. I don’t know how he managed to get an invite to my party, but I sure as hell didn’t send him one.”

Tory turned her head and looked up at Con. His gaze, usually so cool, even remote at times, blazed so hot Tory felt seared clear to the bone. “Erik wasn’t an ass. We just didn’t click, that’s all. And you two are acting so strangely tonight. What’s going on?”

The men looked at each other, then back at her. Con was the first to speak. “We’re not acting, Tory. You’ve just never seen this side of us because we’ve kept it from you.”

She planted her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. “Oh, really? And what side would that be, pray tell?”

“The lover side,” Devon blurted out. Con shoved him. Both of them looked way too satisfied with themselves. It pissed her off.

Tory stepped closer and poked Devon in the chest. “You aren’t my lover and neither is Con. We’re friends. So quit with all the chest beating and the innuendos.” She looked between the two of them. “I came here to have fun with my two friends, not to get mixed up in some convoluted delusion you two are suffering from.”

Con’s eyebrows shot up. “You think we’re delusional?”

“Well, what else could it be?” Her voice was rising, and people were beginning to stare. She took a few deep breaths before continuing in a more reasonable tone. “My two closest guy buds are suddenly acting like a couple of lions on the prowl, and for whatever reason they think I should be the lioness for their little lion sandwich. No thanks.”

Con chuckled. “I don’t know about a lion sandwich, but I wouldn’t be opposed to hearing a certain kitty purr.”

Oh, God. That should not have her pussy going damp with need, it really shouldn’t. Tory knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was way out of her element with Devon and Con. An image of the two men naked, pleasuring her, sprang to mind. It was forbidden, and she instantly felt guilty for even allowing the picture to invade her mind at all. Instinctively she knew that Con and Devon would be nothing like the other men she’d dated. She’d always gone for the easy, staid sort of men. Con and Devon were bold, candid and insatiable when they got their hooks into something…or someone. Tory didn’t know what to make of this new situation.

“Dance with me.” Devon murmured, holding his hand out for her. “I want to get you in my arms, that’s all. I want to feel you against me. Just that, Tory, nothing more.” Hypnotized and unable to resist, Tory lifted her hand. Devon took it and tenderly kissed her knuckles. Tory let out her breath and allowed Devon to steer her toward the center of the room where several other couples danced to the beat of Bing Crosby. As Devon’s arms came around her, Tory looked to the left and saw Con watching them, a tender smile on his face.

“I can feel you trembling, sugar. Don’t think this to death. Just feel. That’s all, just feel.”

Feel? How could she do any less with Devon’s powerful arms surrounding her, embracing her in his warmth? He pulled her up against his hard strength, and Tory knew Devon’s earlier words were nothing short of the truth. Tonight was going to be a night they’d never forget.

Chapter Three

Tory felt at home. It was odd, but there it was. Nothing could ever harm her with Devon’s strong arms holding her tight. She twined her arms around his neck, and he pulled her in tighter. She immediately knew what he wanted to show her. The rigid thickness of his cock now pressed into her belly. Tory’s knees went weak. Her eyes sought his, searching for confirmation. His wicked smile sent her blood pressure soaring. He rotated his hips, causing heat to pool between her legs and her face to flame.

Leaning down, his hot breath against her ear, Devon whispered, “Don’t be embarrassed, sugar. You’re beautiful. Feeling your sweet curves against me is driving me right out of my mind.” He lifted his head, his gaze so dark she barely saw the pupils. “I’m not going to do anything about it. Not unless you want me to. Do you want me to, Tory?”

“I-I don’t know.”

“Are you a little turned on?” he whispered against her ear.

“Maybe,” she confessed. “But we’re friends, Devon.”

“And friends can’t be


Tory shrugged. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never had it happen before.”

“Maybe we should find out where this could go.”

“Devon’s right.”

Tory froze at the deep baritone coming from directly behind her. Turning her head, she saw Con, and he was close. Close enough she could smell his clean masculine scent and see the tension riding him.

The ramifications of what they were saying hit her at once. “Both of you?” Her nipples hardened as if begging to be touched, tasted, played with by Con and Devon both. Her nipples were total sluts, she decided.

Con cupped the back of her neck. It was a strong, possessive hold. Tory couldn’t move. “You sound surprised, baby.”

“Surprised barely covers it,” she said, and her voice sounded husky. Damn it, she sounded aroused. “You two must have had too much to drink or something.” Lighten the mood, she lectured herself. While you’re at it, remember who you’re with, you wanton.