That stopped her. Friends. “Of course. I just meant, you know, if there are any single guys at the party.”


Tory turned and nearly ran from the kitchen. She was going to a party with a friend. She’d have a few drinks, laugh a little, then come home. A nice evening out. That’s all there was to it. A little voice in the back of her mind kept blathering on about Devon’s sensual voice and the promise he’d uttered.

That little voice needed to shut the hell up already.

Devon sat back in his chair and stared at the phone, a sense of anticipation stirring his blood. Tonight would be the night. It had to be. He’d waited long enough. He picked up the phone again and dialed another number.

“Tell me you have good news.”

Devon smiled at the frustration in Con’s voice. “She’s coming,” he said, putting his friend out of his misery. “I’m picking her up at seven.”

He heard Con let out a breath. “Damn. I can’t believe it’s finally happening.”

“Easy, Con.” Devon felt compelled to issue the small warning. “She’s only agreed to accompany me as a friend. Nothing more.”

“I know, but I’m still trying to think positive here. Don’t piss on my parade.”

Devon chuckled and crossed his legs at the ankles. “No one is pissing on anyone’s parade, but we need to take this slow. I don’t want her hurt.”

“And you think I do?”

Flicking a glance at his office door, ensuring no one was around, he replied, “No. It’s just that Tory is going to be shocked when she finds out we both want her. That we’ve both ached to be more than her good buddies for the past three years. If I had to guess, I’d say she’s never been with two guys at once. Much less two guys she’s viewed as mere friends.” The more he thought about it, the more his gut churned. “Christ, she’s so damn innocent.”

“Especially compared to the two of us, is that what you’re saying?”

Con’s anger seeped through the phone. “We’re a hell of a lot more experienced, and you know it. Already I feel like the big bad wolf luring the sweet little girl with the promise of candy.”

“Damn it, Devon, we’re not wolves and she’s not a little girl. This isn’t about getting laid. It’s about finally having Tory all to ourselves. This is the best opportunity we’re going to get.”

Devon reached over and picked up his paperweight. It’d been a gift from Tory. She’d given it to him on his last birthday. As he stared at the hard glass ball with the delicate flowers suspended inside, he smiled. It was silly and girly, but he loved it because it had come from her.

“I know, I know,” Devon said. “We’ve gone over it a thousand times. Besides, I’m not sure I can sit by while she dates yet another asshole. I nearly lost it when she went out with that guy last month. The doctor, remember?”

Con cursed. “She seemed pretty taken with that one, didn’t she?”

“Yeah, but a few dates in and she was giving him the heave-ho.”

“Did she ever tell you why?”

“Yeah, he bored her. You ask me, Tory needs more from a guy than a few gentle kisses and sweet words.”

“I agree. She might look like a blonde-haired angel, but I have a feeling she can be quite the powder keg with the right man. Or men, as it were.”

Devon placed the weight back on the desk and groaned. “This could go so wrong, Con. She’s our friend. We love her. What if we screw everything up?”

“We won’t. Stop with the negative shit. You’re making me mad. Fuck!”

Devon had heard that tone from his friend before. While it sent most people scurrying, Devon merely shrugged. “Yeah, okay.”

“Focus on bringing her to the party,” Con said, clearly calmer now. “We’ll play this by ear. No pressuring her.”

“The one scenario that has me feeling sick to my stomach is that she ends up in bed with us, then regrets it come morning and never speaks to us again.”

“I’ve had the same thought,” Con said. “I’d rather cut off my own arm with a friggin’ butter knife.”

“Damn straight. So, are you sure we should go through with this?”