“If you two can stop ogling each other for a few minutes, I’d like to tell you why I’m here.” Mike’s gaze darted from River to Jeanette, then back to River. “I’d like to talk to Jeanette alone, if that’s okay.”

River was about to tell Mike where he could stick it when Jeanette spoke up. “That’s fine. River was just leaving anyway.” She dared River to say otherwise, fixing him with a steely glare. “Right, River?”

He smiled, and it wasn’t all that nice of a smile either. The look he gave Jeanette merely said, No way in hell am I leaving you alone with this guy. It was clear he not only didn’t trust Mike, he was also still reluctant to leave her side since the mugger had all her personal information.

Jeanette’s voice rose an octave. “Good Lord, I’ll be fine for a little while without you standing guard. Besides, I’m not a complete imbecile. I can protect myself to some degree.”

River was firm on this issue. He would not make a mistake with her safety. However, he could give a little bit, if it made her happy. “I’m not leaving you, sunshine. Might as well get used to it.” Anger and indignation flared in her eyes and caused her cheeks to flush. Damn, she was sexy when she was pissed. “But, if you need some privacy, then I can go in the other room. I need to make some phone calls anyway.”

He could tell she wanted to argue with him, but in the end she simply nodded. River leaned down and gently touched his lips to her forehead before heading into the kitchen. But not before he gave Mike one last look of warning.

Chapter Four

In the kitchen, River paced. He wanted to make love to Jeanette, but he was powerless against his own animalistic needs. All that would matter once he was deep inside her body would be the thought of having her total submission. He knew himself well enough to know he would want to claim her fully. And keep her.

He moved to the window and stared out at the noonday sun. Summer was in full swing. Kids played outside; people mowed their lawns. And out there somewhere was a mugger with all of Jeanette’s personal information. Her home address. Her phone number. How the hell was he supposed to keep her safe when she refused to let him? Contrary woman.

The soft touch of her lips against his filtered into his thoughts, drowning out all else. Did he dare take their relationship to the next level? Jeanette had made it very clear she wanted nothing more. He couldn’t be so selfish as to drag her obvious feelings for him through the mud, yet he was practical enough to know he possessed only so much restraint.

Soon, he would give in to that tempting lavender scent of hers and make her his completely. He wasn’t fool enough to believe he could hold back forever. He knew himself better than that. And for some inexplicable reason, he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted any woman. Hell, he hadn’t dated a single woman since Jeanette had walked in on him with Holly. The destroyed look on her face had sent him into a panic. He’d come close to losing her completely that night; he could feel it in his bones. Besides, Holly hadn’t satisfied him the way he’d hoped. He wanted only one woman—a sweet little brunette with a sarcastic mouth and too much spirit for her own good.

His cell phone chirped, interrupting his thoughts of making love to Jeanette. He pulled it out of his jeans’ front pocket and read the text on the screen.


“This is so not the time, brother,” River muttered to himself. Still, River knew he would go to Reilly’s aid, because Reilly would do the same for him in a heartbeat. Besides, he never could resist a chance to hold the little squirts. He sent a quick reply back. He thought of Jeanette in the other room and wondered if she’d be willing to accompany him. No doubt until the mugger was behind bars, River wouldn’t be able to rest easy.

He started back into the living room, and as he reached the doorway, River heard Jeanette’s and Mike’s muffled voices. He stopped and listened. Not that he was eavesdropping or anything. Of course not.

“I think I’m in love with her, Nett,” Mike said.

“Then I don’t see the problem. Propose to her. Otherwise, you may live to regret it.”

“I know, but it’s a big step. You know me. I’m not the marrying type. I like my freedom.”

Yes, definitely get married. And stop flirting with Jeanette.

Jeanette laughed. “Don’t I know it. It’s half the reason you and I never dated.”

River stiffened. Had she been attracted to Mike?

There was a slight lull in the conversation as if they were both thinking things over before Jeanette said, “I understand how hard it is to settle down with one person. To realize that you’ll be with them until death do you part. But the right person can make it worthwhile, ya know?”

Mike’s voice was gentle and understanding when he said, “You of all people know how hard love can be, though. What if this turns out to be an epic fail?”

“I suppose lov

e truly is a leap of faith. But it’s more than that.” Jeanette sounded troubled.

“How so?”

“It’s like when you find that special person, the one who has the ability to make you lose all track of time. He makes you forget to eat. Gets you all itchy and anxious until you can’t even sleep at night.” Jeanette’s voice was somewhat soft and far away. “You try to fight it, but the truth is that in the end you can’t. You never had a chance. Because when destiny sets you on a course, about all you can do is go with it.”

Silence again, and then, “Sounds like the voice of experience talking.”

She snorted. “Oh, listen to me, getting all philosophical.”

Mike chuckled. “I’ve seen you in action, Nett. I know better than to dismiss your words as philosophical drivel.”