They hung up, and Reilly dialed Lucy at work. She answered on the second ring. “Hello?”

“You busy?”

“Just finished up an article,” she replied. “I have a few minutes. What’s up?”

“I missed you and wanted to hear your voice.”

She laughed, and the husky tone vibrated clear through to his bones. “I just saw you a few hours ago, Reilly.”

“Doesn’t seem to matter if it’s a few hours or an entire day, I still miss you.”

She was quiet a moment, and then, “I miss you too,” she replied in a softer tone.

It was the first time Lucy had admitted such feelings. His hopes soared. “I have a proposition for you.”

“I can’t leave early,” she quickly injected. “I have way too much to do today.”

“I wasn’t going to ask. I have a load of things here to do myself.”

“Oh.” She sounded disappointed. What was that about? “Then what is it?”

“I was wondering if you’d like to take a trip. We could make it a long weekend. I was thinking of visiting the Amish Country up north. It would give us a chance to have some time alone, and it’s only a few hours’ drive. What do you think?”

“I don’t know, Reilly. It’s sort of short notice, and my boss can be a little rigid about that.” She paused, then asked, “Or were you thinking of leaving Friday after work?”

“Actually, I was thinking of taking Friday and Monday off. If that’s not doable, then the weekend would work too.” Hell, Reilly would take what he could get. Any alone time with Lucy sounded like heaven.

“It does sound heavenly,” she softly answered. “Hm, let me check with my boss. It can’t hurt to ask.”

A bell chimed in his ear, signaling he had another call. “Hold that thought, I’ve got another call.” He switched over before she could say anything else. “Hello?”

“Hello, Reilly, it’s Dr. Shaffer, returning your call.”

“Great timing, Doc. I wanted to ask if it was s

afe for Lucy to travel.”

“Would she be flying?”

“No. Just a drive up north. Three hours at the most.”

He chuckled. “No, that really shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Great, thanks.”

Reilly switched back over. “Lucy?”

“Yep, still here.”

“That was Dr. Shaffer. He informs me it’s safe for you to travel. So, what do you say? Feel like getting away?”

“Oh, why not? If Patrick doesn’t like it, he can fire me.”

Reilly’s heart sped up as he imagined having Lucy all to himself. “You’re pregnant, Lucy. He’ll cut you some slack.” She agreed, and they talked for a few more minutes. After they hung up, Reilly went into action. First he needed to call and reserve a room. He prayed to God the week would fly by. He was already counting the hours.

Thirty minutes later, River strode through the door. His characteristic frown was firmly in place, and when their gazes locked, Reilly saw a muscle in River’s jaw twitch. River wasn’t just grumpy, he was good and pissed.

Reilly pushed away from the desk. “What’s up?”