Lucy practically shouted, and Reilly didn’t think that was good for the baby. “I don’t want you getting overworked. It’s not healthy, sweetheart.”

“You should have thought of that before you sprang this on me at the last minute, then, because I’m well past stressed. I’m frantic!”

Reilly stood and went to her, then took her into his arms. She was stiff as a board at first. “Calm yourself,” he softly demanded. “My mother is not so sinister. One look at you and she’ll be charmed. I imagine she’ll pamper you all night. It’ll be all I can do to get you out of there so I can get you alone.”

“I’m really nervous, Reilly,” she admitted as she began to relax, her voice quivering. “I don’t know what to say to her. How to act.”

“Just be yourself, sweetheart. It will be okay, you’ll see.”

She snuggled closer and leaned against him. “My mom died when I was so young, and now I’m about to meet your mother, who, by all accounts, is the most perfect mother ever. Soon I’ll be a mom myself. This is all very new to me.”

She tugged at his heart when she said things like that. She was so starved for a mother’s affection. Reilly couldn’t imagine anyone not loving Lucy. “I know,” he murmured. “I understand your fears, but my family will embrace you as if you were their own flesh and blood. Besides, you have a trump card. You’re carrying a Jennings in your belly. That’s enough to earn you a pedestal, trust me.”

“Can you imagine a little dark-haired boy with your green eyes?” She sighed. “Oh God, this is so unreal.”

“A boy?” he asked. “Not a girl?”

Lucy blinked as if startled. “I’d be happy with either, but I keep picturing a boy for some reason.”

“Did you want to find out the sex at your ultrasound appointment, or would you rather be surprised?”

Lucy appeared to give that some thought as she fiddled with her clothes and smoothed down her hair. “I have to wait until I’m about four months along before I can do that, but I want to be surprised anyway. It would be more fun that way. What do you think?”

He shrugged. “It’s up to you.” He slipped his arms around her, then cradled her belly in his hands. “I’m not very good at waiting, but being surprised doesn’t sound like a bad way to go.”

She looked over her shoulder, her smile sensual and intimate. “You are terrible at waiting. I’m going to enjoy watching you squirm for the next several months.”

He turned her around and kissed her lightly. “You take pleasure in driving me crazy, don’t you?”

She winked. “It’s quickly becoming my favorite pastime.”

He laughed and kissed her again. Things were heating up nicely, but when he looked at the clock on her nightstand and saw the time, Reilly said, “Come on, let’s go face the music.”

Lucy took a deep breath and let it out. “I can do this,” she muttered.

He chuckled. “It’s going to be fine, you’ll see.”

Half an hour later, as they entered the front door of his mom’s house, the house he still considered home, Reilly immediately spotted several members of his family. Sammy stood in the doorway to the kitchen with his arms crossed, frowning over at him. Brodix and Sarah sat on the couch, grinning at each other and clearly in their own world. Even River had shown up. He sat on the arm of the couch, a rare grin on his face. River spotted Lucy, and winked. When his mom came forward, Reilly knew immediately that she was up to no good.

“My son!” she exclaimed, then hugged him tight. She pulled back a fraction and admonished, “You are forever keeping me on my toes, aren’t you?”

He winked and kissed both of her soft cheeks. She had a dish towel hanging over one shoulder and a wide smile curving her lips. Her gray hair was neat as a pin, and her once rounded figure was a few pounds slimmer. Ever since her heart attack the previous year, she’d been eating healthier, and she’d even joined a yoga class. Reilly and his brothers had been thrilled to see the changes in her.

Reilly brought her over to meet Lucy, who had stayed a good five feet behind him, as if trying to disappear into the background. Reilly would have none of it. “Mom, I’d like you to meet Lucy Rice, the woman who will soon be giving birth to your grandchild.”

His mother stepped forward, head high, back straight, then beamed a ready smile at Lucy. She took her into her arms and hugged her with the same exuberance she’d shown him, then kissed both of her cheeks. “You honor me, dear. I can see my son is very happy. You’ve taken wonderful care of him. And the baby, is he or she healthy also?”

“Yes, the baby is doing quite well. The pregnancy hasn’t been too rough at all. I feel very lucky.”

“We’re the lucky ones, I think.” His mother looked her over from head to toe, then smiled.

“Mom,” he softly warned, “I thought we were having dinner with you, not the entire clan.”

“This is a special occasion, Reilly. I can’t help if your family wanted to celebrate with you.” She turned to Lucy and said, “I know the Jennings bunch can be a bit overwhelming, but we’re harmless, I promise.”

“It’s okay. I am too.” She grinned at him, and he desperately wanted to get her alone where he could soak in the brilliance of her smile for a good hour or so. Without warning, her face went pale, and she covered her mouth with her hand.