“Now there is where you’re wrong,” he murmured. “I’m very interested.”

“You’re being annoying,” Lucy said as she turned and strode into the kitchen to retrieve her vitamins. When she came back, she noticed he was back to reading the blasted book.

Reilly glanced up, his eyes hot with unmistakable arousal. “Have you read the chapter on different positions to try?”

Lucy licked her lips and looked away. “Duh, it’s my book.”

Reilly stood, and Lucy instinctively backed up. In two strides, he was in front of her, cupping the back of her head in his palm. “You ask me, you’re one sexy pregnant lady.”

Lucy snorted. “Wait until I’m five months in and sporting cankles, then we’ll see how you really feel.”

Without warning, he kissed her. His soft lips lingered a few seconds, drawing a moan from her, before he lifted and whispered, “You’ll always be sexy as hell to me, sweetheart.”

The doorbell rang, saving Lucy from drowning in a puddle of her own drool. She practically ran for the door. She pulled it open and screamed at the sight of her sister standing in the hall. “Oh my God, Annabelle!” Lucy cried, then flung herself into her sister’s arms. Annabelle laughed and hugged her tight.

After about a minute, Lucy heard Reilly clear his throat. Lucy pulled out of Annabelle’s embrace, tugged her into the apartment and shut the door. “Reilly, this is my sister, Annabelle.”

Reilly stepped forward and entwined his fingers with Lucy’s, then extended his other hand to Annabelle. “It’s great to meet you,” Reilly said as he shook Annabelle’s hand. “Lucy has told me quite a bit about you.”

Annabelle’s eyebrows lifted. “Uh, nice to meet you too.” She aimed a grin at Lucy and said, “You’ve been holding out on me, sis.”

“It’s sort of a long story.” Lucy elbowed Reilly in the ribs to get him to release her, but the imbecile never even flinched. He smiled down at her, and Lucy seriously itched to swat him a good one on the back of the head.

To Annabelle, she said, “I didn’t want to worry you when we last talked.”

“Worry? Why would I worry?”

“I’m, uh, pregnant with twins,” Lucy stated. “Reilly’s the father.”

“Twins, seriously?” Annabelle asked as her wide-eyed gaze darted to Lucy’s belly. “I thought there was a little extra to hug.” She grinned. “Congratulations! I guess that sort of trumps my engagement news all to heck, huh?”

Lucy laughed. “Speaking of the engagement, where’s Justin? I thought he was coming with you. I wanted to meet him.”

Annabelle ran a hand through her hair. “He is, but he needed to run some errands. You’ll meet him, don’t worry.”

“Annabelle and Justin are getting married,” Lucy told Reilly. “They’re on their way to Justin’s parents’ house.”

He winked at Annabelle and asked, “Showing off his pretty new fiancée, huh?”

Annabelle flashed a smile. “I like this one, Lucy. You should keep him.”

Lucy had been thinking the same thing, but fear kept her from saying the words aloud. She headed for the kitchen, calling over her shoulder, “Have a seat, sweetie, while I get you something to drink.”

“Sounds great, sis,” she answered as she plopped down on the sofa. “I’m beat.”

Lucy opened the refrigerator and grabbed a cold beer for her sister. “Do you want anything to drink, Reilly?”

“Nothing for me, thanks.”

Lucy popped the top of the beer and went back into the room. Annabelle sat with her legs crossed at the knees, smiling up at her. Reilly still stood, hands tucked into the front pockets of his jeans and staring at Annabelle with curiosity.

Lucy handed Annabelle her drink before sitting down. “I’m so glad you’re home, even if it is only for a few days. I worry when you’re away.” Being in the army in this day and age wasn’t anything to play

around with.

The hand that wasn’t holding the beer patted her thigh. “It’s fine, sis. I know to keep my head down.”

Reilly came forward and sat on the other side of Lucy, then slung an arm over her shoulders. Lucy held back the giddiness of having Reilly so close. Would she always respond to the man with a flow of warmth anytime he came near? She suspected she would.