“Okay, I’ll concede that your dad was a crooked son of a bitch. I never liked him, not from the start. And after what he did to you, I’d beat him to death if he were still alive. But that doesn’t explain why you didn’t get word to me after you moved away. You could’ve gotten in touch with me somehow. Through Mom and Dad, if nothing else.”

Shayla slumped in her seat. This was the part she’d dreaded. The part she couldn’t forgive herself for. “I-I was scared. That’s my only excuse, Vance.”

“Of your dad?” he asked, his voice softer than before.

She bit her lip and looked down at the napkin in her hand. God, she’d all but shredded the poor thing. She dropped the pieces on the table and said, “Yes. I hate to admit this, but he still scares the hell out of me.”

She felt a strong hand covering hers, and she glanced across the table to see understanding in Vance’s expression. “It’s okay to be afraid. It doesn’t make you weak, Shay.”

She couldn’t handle the kindness she witnessed in Vance at that moment. It made her want too much. It made her wish they hadn’t lost the last twelve years. Instead, she focused on her confession. “When he moved us to Florida, I thought Dad would be happy. After all, he’d gotten what he wanted, a dutiful daughter and a promotion. But things only got worse for my mom and me.”

Vance released her hand and sat back. “Christ, how could it be any worse?”

“Dad turned into a tyrant. One of us was always on the receiving end of his violent temper. It didn’t stop until Mom got sick.”


She nodded. “Breast cancer. When Mom was diagnosed, Dad grew distant. Stayed late at the office. Meetings out of town, that sort of thing. We rarely saw him. Then he died. God help me, but it felt like a blessing for both of us. We no longer had to walk around on eggshells, no more late-night rants. Best of all, no more belt. Still, that left me to care for Mom, which I didn’t mind doing, but it did sort of cause me to put my own life on hold for a little while.”

He nodded. “How is your mom now?”

“Oh, I’m happy to report that she totally kicked cancer’s butt. And it gave her a sense of self-respect that I’d never seen in my mom before.” She grinned. “She’s living it up in Florida as we speak. Even has a new man in her life. Fred is a really sweet guy and nothing at all like Dad, thank goodness.”

“So, let me get this straight. Your piece-of-shit dad threatened you, beat you and your mom, threatened me and my family, and then you took care of your sick mom, and still somehow found the strength to start your own business.”

“That’s the short version, I suppose, yes.”

He stood and walked toward the sink, then turned and looked out the window for a time. Shayla couldn’t gauge his mood now. Would he call her a liar and send her on her way, or would he give them a chance to make up for lost time? She waited. Waited and hoped.

Chapter Five

Vance couldn’t look at Shayla. Not after everything he’d just learned. He felt like a total shit for the things he’d thought about her over the years. She’d lived in fear of her own father, and Vance had been totally oblivious. “I’ve spent the last twelve years resenting the hell out of you, Shay,” he said, unable to turn around and face her. “The entire time you were living a nightmare, and I was feeling sorry for myself.” He rubbed a hand over his face and muttered, “Jesus.”

“No, don’t do this. After Dad passed away, I could’ve contacted you. I could’ve gotten in touch after Mom’s cancer went into remission. I didn’t because…because I wasn’t sure you’d want to hear from me. And you would’ve had every right.”

He turned around and looked into her eyes. “You could’ve, yes, but I could’ve gotten in touch with you too.”

“You didn’t even know where I was.” She cocked her head to the side. “Give yourself a break, okay?”

He closed the distance between them and tugged her out of the chair. “It wouldn’t have been that hard to find you,” he murmured. “All I would’ve had to do was ask my mom. She’d have tracked you down faster than a bounty hunter.”

She smiled. “You do have a point there.”

“It doesn’t matter, not anymore. All that matters is what happens next.”

“What does happen next, Vance?”

He grinned. “Stick around and find out.”

Shayla’s heart sped up at his deep, sexy tone and the wicked gleam in his eyes. When Vance smiled, Shayla’s insides turned to pudding. “Your mom said you built this house.”

His lips twitched. “Are you changing the subject, honey?”

“Yes,” she answered, totally wishing she had the nerve to pull him in for a kiss instead.

“Okay,” he said as he released her. “Want me to give you the penny tour?”

“I’d love that.”