He looked pointedly at the couch. “Can we sit down?”

Julie didn’t say a word as she strode toward the couch and sat. He followed and took the cushion to her left. “Brodix wanted to call you.”

“He did? Why?”

“I assume to ask you out. I told him you were off limits.”

“Don’t try and tell me it’s because you were protecting me. Not this time. I won’t buy it.”

“No, my motives were totally selfish.”

“They were?”

“Yes. I don’t want to share you.”


He quirked a brow. “You’re just chockfull of questions today, huh?”


“Stubborn,” he whispered. “No wonder Mom likes you so much.”

“Sam, I’m losing my patience.”

Without warning, Sam reached out and took hold of her waist, then hauled her across the couch and plopped her onto his lap. He cupped her chin. “I don’t want to share you because I want the right to call you my woman. Get the picture now?”

“And I’d like the right to call you my man, but that doesn’t explain why you were pouting today when I saw you at the hospital.”

His face went hard as granite. “I was not pouting.”

She reached out and flicked a piece of lint off his collar. “Call it what you like, but I still want to know why.”

“It threw me for a loop.”


“Seeing you next to Mom’s bed, the two of you smiling together. She cares about you, and you care about her. I remembered at Thanksgiving how Brodix flirted with you. River was even a little taken with you, and that’s a big deal for River. He’s usually so closed up, barely lets anyone in. With you, he was at ease.” He wrapped a hand around her nape and pulled her closer. “Everyone has a part of you, except me.”

“Oh.” Julie didn’t know what to say. Sam had completely undone her with his stark confession. “Any thoughts on how to fix this little problem?”

“Give me a part of you, Julie. Give me the most intimate, sweetest part of you.”

“Yes,” she answered, her body suddenly ablaze with sensation. Caving in to his erotic demand was the easiest thing she’d ever done.

Sam’s lips drifted back and forth over hers before he gently pulled back. He was aroused. His fierce gaze and the hard length beneath her bottom testified to the fact. Her pussy throbbed as she imagined his thick cock stretching and filling her. Julie started to bring him back to her mouth, anxious for more, but he stopped her.

“What is it?” Had she done something wrong to ruin the moment?

“You haven’t been with many men have you, sweetheart?”

His question wasn’t critical, but Julie still felt like a lumbering giant in a china shop. “How could you possibly tell that from only a few kisses?”

His smile was gentle as he said, “It’s in the way you look at me. As if you want me in sixty different ways, but you aren’t sure how to go about it.”

Her gaze shot to his chest, unwilling to watch if he laughed at her. “I haven’t had a lot of opportunities to experiment.”

Sam tugged on one of her curlers. “Look at me, Julie.” She squared her shoulders and met his gaze. “How about you experiment with me?”