Same raked his fingers through his hair. “Does everyone know my business these days?”

She ignored him as

only a mother on a mission could. “So, what gives?”

“A date, that’s all we’ve shared, Mom. One date.”

“Was it horrible? Did she get drunk and pass out?”

Despite his irritation at being grilled like a schoolboy, Sam chuckled. “No, she didn’t get wasted. We had a great time.”

She waved her hand impatiently back and forth between them. “Okay, and…?”

“And that’s all you’re getting out of me on the subject of Julie Rose.”

“If you insist. May I at least give you one small piece of advice? I promise I’ll let it drop.”

Sam snorted. “I don’t believe that for a second, but I’m listening.”

“Love is a risk, dear. No one knows that better than you do. The thing is, some people are worth it.”

An orderly came in and saved Sam from replying. He didn’t know what he would’ve said anyway except the truth, that Julie was worth the risk. Of that, Sam had no doubt. But would she feel the same way about him? One way or another, he needed an answer to that nagging question.

Chapter Seven

Since leaving Wanda in Sam’s capable hands, Julie had been parked on the couch attempting to catch up on all her television shows. Her usual Sunday ritual had always been homework and vegging in front of the TV. After rewinding the same scene for the third time, however, she had to admit defeat. It was no use, because her mind was on Sam. He’d been so sweet and oh-so-romantic on their date. Wishing on stars, who would have thought? And then he’d taken her clear to heaven with his skillful touches. God, she still burned from the feel of his fingers buried inside of her pussy. She knew he’d enjoyed every second of it too. His sensual words on the phone that morning had been proof of that. So was the hard-on she’d seen him sporting at the hospital.

When he’d called and woken her up, he’d explained that he’d wanted to hear her sleepy voice first thing in the morning. He’d said he hadn’t been able to sleep for thinking of her in his arms. He’d reminded her that she’d promised him another date. She’d ended up stammering, too excited to speak with any degree of intelligence.

Unfortunately, when he’d shown up at the hospital, he’d been back to frowning. She wasn’t sure what had changed. At one point she could’ve sworn he was going to cross the room and pull her into his arms, but he hadn’t. Julie wondered now if maybe she’d been imagining things. He hadn’t acted at all like the same man who’d called her that morning simply because he couldn’t get her off his mind. A knock on the door pulled Julie out of her gloomy thoughts.

“Saved!” Much more of that and she would’ve driven herself senseless.

Julie jumped up and went to the door. When she flung it open, she came face to…Carhartt. Ah, she’d know that black coat anywhere. Julie looked up. “Sam? What are you doing here?” Right about then she realized she hadn’t bothered to change out of her ankle-length red plaid flannel nightgown. And her hair was in rollers. Good God Almighty.

His gaze traveled down her body, then back up. His grin sent her blood rushing. “You like to be warm and cozy, huh?”

Embarrassment swamped her. “In my defense, it is five thirty on a Sunday and I wasn’t expecting company.”

He fingered one of her rollers and murmured, “I can see that. May I come in anyway?”

“Of course, sorry.” She quickly stepped back, but before she could take her next breath, Sam was pulling her into a tight embrace and kissing her silly. He kicked the door shut behind him and pushed her up against it, then coasted his soft lips over hers. His tongue probed, demanding entrance. Julie wrapped her arms around his neck, then opened up and let him inside. He tasted good. Spicy and warm and so darn yummy. Julie knew she’d crave the taste of him.

When he pulled back an inch, he whispered, “I missed you.”

“Uh-huh,” she mumbled. Reality intruded when she remembered his odd behavior at the hospital. Julie pushed out of his arms and planted her hands on her hips. “Now wait a darn minute, Sam Jennings, if you missed me so much, then how come you were rude to me at the hospital?”


She poked his chest. “Don’t dare deny it. You were frowning at me. Again. Heck, you barely acknowledged my presence.”

To her surprise, he looked shamefaced. “You’re right, and I’m sorry.”

“Thank you, but I still want an explanation,” she demanded.

He unzipped his coat and pulled it off, then slung it over the recliner. “It’s complicated.”

“I’m a real whiz with complicated issues.”