“Julie, look at me.” When she turned around, Sam strode toward her and cupped her cheeks in his palms. “I looked at you then the same way I looked at you the first time I saw you. Like I wanted to know you. Inside and out. You took me by surprise is all, and I don’t do well with surprises.”

She frowned and pulled away. “Should I apologize?”

“No.” He shoved his hands in the front pockets of his pants to keep himself from reaching out and tugging her into his arms. “Just know that I like you in the waitress getup. I like you in the sexy-ass dress and heels too. And I really like you in the oversized sweats. The fact is, I just like you.”

“Oh.” She teased the hem of her sweatshirt and said, “Well, that works out nicely, then.”

“Why is that?”

“Because as it turns out, I like you too.”

He chuckled. “Do you like me enough to share a few of those cookies you mentioned?”

“I made two dozen. More than enough for a decent sugargasm.”

He rubbed his chin, pretending to contemplate the merits of a sugargasm. “Not sure I’ve ever had a sugargasm before. Could prove interesting.”

She dropped the hem, then turned and grabbed the empty glass carafe. “You’ve been terribly deprived, then.”

Sam let his gaze travel over her lush curves. Jesus, even in the oversized sweatpants, her ass made him hard. “Very deprived,” he growled, wishing he could close the distance and grab a handful of her.

As she filled the pot with water, she said, “How about I get the coffee and cookies while you get the fire started?”

Baffled and momentarily dragged out of his sexual musings, Sam peered over his shoulder and looked into the living room beyond. “You have a fireplace?”

“It’s one of those cast-iron fire pits. It’s out on the back patio.” She pointed to a pair of sliding-glass doors. “The wood is already out there.” After she poured the water in the well of the coffeemaker, she replaced the pot and hit the power button. “This is the perfect night for a fire.” She opened a drawer and took out a box of matches. “Here.” She handed them over. “You’ll find the rest of the things you need in a metal cabinet near the door.”

Sam liked the idea of holding Julie tight next to a warm fire, but the temperature had dropped as the evening had worn on. “It’s probably in the high thirties. Sure you won’t get too chilly?”

She looked down at herself, then held her arms out to her sides. “Have you seen this hoodie? It’s ginormous!”

He tucked the matches in his front shirt pocket and murmured, “If it’s a fire under the stars you want, then that’s what you’ll get.”

She wrinkled her nose. “You don’t think it’s silly?”

Damn, hadn’t a man ever taken the time to romance the woman? “Not at all. I’m looking forward to keeping you warm.”

“You’ve been doing that all night long.”

Sam’s eyebrows shot up at the bold confession. Julie slammed a hand over her mouth, and her face turned bright red. “Didn’t intend to say that aloud, did you?” She vehemently shook her head. His chest swelled a little. “If it helps, the feeling is mutual,” he admitted before bending forward and placing a light kiss to her soft lips. Julie went utterly still beneath him. When he angled his head, fitting his mouth to hers, he felt her relax and lean in the slightest bit. Sam kept it quick, managing to barely get a taste of her sweet flavor before he lifted his head. When he walked out to the patio, he looked back and saw her touching her lips with her fingertips. Leaving her standing there sure as hell wasn’t easy.

A few minutes later, Sam had the beginnings of a fire. When he heard the patio door slide open, he stood. “Here, let me.” Sam

took the tray laden with their cookies and coffee and placed it on the little glass table in front of the swing.

She laughed. “Sam, I’m a waitress, remember?”

“Doesn’t mean I can’t be a gentleman.” He poured them both a cup of coffee. “Cream or sugar?”

“Neither for me, thanks.” She took the mug and wrapped her delicate fingers around it. Sam imagined her wrapping them around his cock instead.

As they sat down on the cushioned porch swing, Sam took a cautious sip from his own steaming cup. “Mmm, tastes good.”

“Thanks,” she said, settling in next to him. Sam wished like hell he had the right to pull her in closer. “The cookies aren’t too bad either,” Julie admitted. “If I do say so myself.”

“You baked them?” When she nodded, Sam picked one up and took a large bite. “Delicious. Maybe we should fire Eddie and hire you as our cook at the diner.”

“No way. Cooking is for fun, not work. Besides, Eddie does a great job.”