“Oh, Jonas. You

say things that make me want to cry. It scares me.”

“No fear, not with me,” he replied emphatically. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

She lifted her head and looked into his eyes. “Make love to me.”

He leaned near her ear and whispered, “That’s what I’ve been doing since the first moment we kissed.”

Then neither of them could speak. The only sounds in the room were of Jonas and Deanna touching and playing. Souls entwined. Every atom of his body seemed to seek nourishment from hers. It was the single most beautiful experience of his life.

When she fell asleep in his arms, her soft, warm body pressed against the length of his, Jonas had a sense that he’d finally come home—and he would do whatever it took to protect that.

The next day, as Jonas watched Deanna whipping eggs for omelets, he received a call from Granger. “What’s up?” he asked as he flipped open his cell.

“Thought you’d like to know what we found at Valdez’s house.”

“Yeah?” Jonas asked, only mildly interested. With Deanna sashaying around the kitchen in her nighty, which consisted of a small white T-shirt and matching cotton panties, Jonas had sweeter things on his mind than drug dealers.

“A search yielded approximately one million dollars’ worth of cocaine and another one point three million in meth. Bastard’s going straight to jail once he’s recovered from the bullet wound.”

Deanna bent to pick up an onion peel she’d dropped, and Jonas about swallowed his tongue as her ass came up in the air. “Good riddance,” Jonas said as he sat back in the chair and spread his legs wide to accommodate his growing erection.

“My sentiments exactly.”

Jonas frowned as he thought of Ray, who even now sat in the county jail. “What do you think will happen to Ray?”

“Man, there isn’t a single judge in the entire county who won’t go easy on the guy.”

Granger sounded almost admiring.

“You think?”

“Some almost consider him a hero, Jonas, seeing as how his little rampage inadvertently gave us a reason to search Valdez’s house.”

When Jonas thought of how close Deanna had come to death, it pissed him off all over again. “It’s going to be a long damn time before I think of him in that light.”

Granger was quiet a moment. “If my woman was in a situation like that, I’d feel the same. Take care of her.”

“That’s the plan.” Jonas stood and moved up behind her, then wrapped an arm around her middle and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

“That kid of Ray’s,” Granger said. “Cade, I think you said his name was.”

Deanna turned in his arms and cupped him through his boxers. He grinned and pinned her against the counter. “Cade, yeah. What about him?”

“He’s going to have a rough time of it.”

Jonas had to think for a minute; with Deanna’s hands on him, his brain often took a holiday. “I think Ray has some family, though. A sister maybe. He won’t be going through it alone. He’ll be okay.”

“Now that Valdez is off the streets, there are a lot of kids like Cade who’ll be okay. You feel me?”

“Damn straight,” Jonas replied.

They hung up after a few more minutes. Jonas set his phone down, then lifted Deanna and sat her on the countertop. “Now, where were we?”

“I believe we were about to have breakfast,” she said as she tunneled her fingers into his hair.

Jonas wagged his eyebrows and slipped his fingers beneath the waistband of her panties and tugged. When she lifted and let him pull them off, Jonas got a good eyeful of her succulent pussy, already damp with arousal. “Yeah, breakfast, and I’m famished.” Then he dipped his head and tasted paradise.