The next morning, Deanna found herself perched on top of Jonas’s kitchen table with Jonas seated in the chair between her thighs. He was currently in the process of feeding her a chocolate-cream-filled doughnut. In between each bite, he kept her on the very edge of desire by licking and nibbling on her thighs.

“I’m having a terrible time concentrating on my treat with your mouth on me,” she chastised. Not that she really cared. With Jonas around, food would always take a backseat.

“Hmm, that’s a real shame because I’m not having a bit of trouble concentrating on my treat,” he whispered against her inner thigh.

“You’re insatiable,” she said, a little amazed by his stamina. Even before she’d been fully awake, Jonas had had his hands filled with her flesh. They’d made slow, sweet love and it’d brought tears to her eyes. Afterward, he’d instructed her to take a long, hot shower while he went out to get them some breakfast. When he’d returned, Deanna had been dressed in one of his old black T-shirts, and nothing else. Jonas had dropped the doughnuts on the counter, then carried her back to bed, where he’d brought her to heaven once more.

Now Jonas was dressed in nothing but a pair of gray boxers and treating her as if she were the most desirable woman on the planet. It was enough to make a woman swoon.

When he tried to feed her yet another bite of the pastry, Deanna held up her hand. “I’m going to bust. Please, no more.”

He leaned forward and licked her lower lip. “You had a little chocolate on you,” he explained.

“Oh,” she murmured. To take her mind off the potent, half-naked man seated in front of her, Deanna asked, “So, what are your plans for the day?”

He looked at the clock and cursed. “I need to go to a client’s house first, then later head over to Valdez’s.”

“Valdez? He’s the one under surveillance?”

“Yep. A case we’re working for a friend. Wade took last night’s shift. It’s my turn.”

Deanna frowned. “You don’t have to watch him day and night, though, do you?”

“I planted a long-range camera inside his house, one with audio,” he started to explain as he stood and took their used napkins to the trash, “and in order for it to record the feed, we have to be within range.”

“Oh, wow. That sounds ... boring.”

He chuckled. “It can be.” He came toward her and planted his fists on either side of her hips on the table. “So, call me when you get a chance and talk dirty to me; otherwise I might fall asleep and miss something important.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and grinned. “I could do that. I just have a few errands to run; then I’m going home to work on Valerie’s design.”

He kissed his way over her face to her neck, where he lingered. “Valerie?” he asked, his breath whispering against her skin. “Is that your new client’s name?”

“Yeah,” she murmured, becoming pleasantly distracted.

He stilled. “Shit, that picture. I completely forgot.” He moved out of her arms and jogged from the room. When he came back in, he was holding an eight-by-ten sheet of paper. “Valdez,” Jonas said as he handed it over.

Deanna took it and looked at the small driver’s license photo, then nodded. “Same guy,” she confirmed as she handed it back to him. “By the way, I already turned down the job.”

He cupped her cheek and frowned. “I’m sorry. I know you were counting on that money, kitten.”

She shrugged. “I don’t want my business to stay afloat if it means taking on clients like him.” Deanna considered telling him about her errand to pick up the fabric samples at Valdez’s but nixed the idea. It would be a quick trip. She wouldn’t even need to go inside the man’s house. Just get the samples and leave.

Jonas’s cell phone began to ring, and Deanna waited as he answered it.

“Hello?” he said. There was a beat of silence; then his gaze widened. “Oh, hell, man, I’m sorry.” Deanna could see the concern on Jonas’s fac

e, and she began to worry. “No, your son needs you right now, Ray. You need to be with him in case he wakes up.” He paused, obviously listening to whatever the caller was saying, then said, “Yeah, I’ll leave here in a few minutes and meet you there.”

When he ended the call, Deanna asked, “What happened?”

Jonas passed a hand over his face and let out a heavy breath. “That was the friend. His son Cade is hooked on Valdez’s drugs. An ambulance just rushed him to the emergency room. A possible overdose.”

“Oh, no! Is he okay?”

“Ray doesn’t know. He’s headed to the hospital now.” He looked at the clock on the microwave. “Look, I need to go up there. Ray’s a mess with all this. I’m sorry to rush off, kitten.”

She waved away his apology. “Don’t be sorry for helping a friend. Do you want me to come with you? The beauty of being your own boss is that you can take a day off if you have to and you won’t get fired.”