What did it say about a guy who got a hard-on over his woman’s anger? Jonas’s dick was so hard he felt like he could drive nails through a two-by-four. She went quiet, and Jonas was curious what Dean was saying. When Deanna’s eyes began to water, a red haze of rage clouded Jonas’s vision.

“Yes, we’ll talk when I get home.” She paused, her gaze on his when she ended the call by saying, “I love you too.”

In Jonas’s mind, he heard her saying those words to him someday. It was a nice thought. He wasn’t sure he deserved a woman like Deanna, but a guy could dream. After she closed the phone, she handed it back to him. He tossed it onto the table and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a tight hug. “What’d he say, kitten?”

“You won’t like it.”

He shrugged. “I don’t like you upset, either.”

“First he complained about my phone not being on. I didn’t get a chance to tell him I’d merely forgotten to charge it today.”

“And then?” He nudged her, knowing there was a hell of a lot more.

She smoothed one hand up and down his bicep and softly answered, “He told me you’re just using me. That you just wanted to get me into bed and you knew this was your best chance at achieving that goal.”

The son of a bitch. If he weren’t Deanna’s brother, Jonas would beat the shit out of him. But he was family, which meant hands off. Christ!

Jonas took hold of Deanna’s shoulders and pulled her off his chest so he could look her in the eye. “Did you believe him?”


She answered with such vehemence that Jonas knew she told him the truth. Thrilled she hadn’t let Dean get to her, Jonas kissed her, keeping it quick. “Good, because it’s not true. I understand he’s concerned for you, but he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Not about this. Not about us. The only thing that could screw that up is you and me. That’s it.”

She cupped his cheeks in her hands and leaned close. “I misjudged you and for that I’m sorry.”

He quirked a brow at her. “You mean the oversexed playboy thing?”

“Well, you do have quite the overactive sex drive.” She kissed his nose, which Jonas found completely adorable. “But I was way off about the playboy remark.”

“I like to think of it as an overachieving sex drive, and only with you, kitten.”

She laughed. “I enjoyed it when you tied me up,” she whispered. “I got all hot and bothered when you spanked me. The ice, though cold as heck, was even exciting. It occurs to me that maybe we’re both overachievers.”

“And don’t forget you sucked my dick and swallowed my cum, because I sure as hell won’t be forgetting it anytime soon.”

Deanna drew in a breath. “It was certainly memorable.”

“Damn straight.” He wrapped his arms beneath her ass and stood with her in his arms. Ready to take her to bed where he could hold her in his arms the rest of the night. “So, maybe you could give us a chance?”

“Yes, I’d like that.”

The quiet answer sent a jolt of electricity straight to his heart. “You won’t regret it, kitten.”

She smiled. “I know.”

“Time for bed. Tomorrow’s our last day, and I want to hold you in my arms for a while.”

Deanna rested her cheek against his chest and let him carry her out of the kitchen. “I’d like that, too, Jonas, very much.”


It was early Monday morning, and Deanna had been awake for hours. She’d wanted to make a few adjustments to the computerized design she was going to present to Valdez when they met on Wednesday. If they met. She still needed to talk to Jonas about his suspicions that Valdez was a criminal. She had the design nearly finished and it was gorgeous. Deanna only hoped it wasn’t going to be all for nothing. If Jonas was right and the gentle, older man truly was a drug dealer, then she’d just have to eat the time and trouble she’d put into the job, because she wasn’t going anywhere near the guy.

When she heard the doorbell, her heart began to race like a little puppy doing laps around a living room. It was pathetic how much she missed Jonas. It’d been less than twelve hours since he’d dropped her on her doorstep with a promise to call on his lunch hour.

She glanced down at the time on her computer monitor and frowned. Who on earth would be at her front door at eight in the morning? Even though she knew it couldn’t possibly be Jonas, she still crossed her fingers, hoping he’d decided to bring her breakfast again.

The doorbell chimed once more, forcing Deanna to shout, “I’m coming! I’m coming!”