Deanna rolled her eyes. “Is that supposed to be an apology? Because it sucks.”

“I’ll apologize for being an arrogant, overprotective, uncivilized ass. But I won’t apologize for wanting to call you mine. Never.”

“You forced it out of me. That’s the part that frustrates me. Not the actual belonging part.” She wiggled her fingers and asked, “Will you untie me, please?”

Jonas leaned down and kissed her. His mouth crushed hers, claiming her all over again. He broke away and went to work on the knot. When it came free, Deanna brought her arms down in front of her and rubbed her wrists.

“Let me see,” he demanded. When she held them out and Jonas saw the red welts on her skin from where the rope had rubbed back and forth, he cursed. “Shit. I should’ve used something softer. I’m so sorry, kitten.” He began a gentle massage on both of them at once and Deanna laughed. “What’s so funny?”

“I’m pretty sure my butt hurts more.”

He wagged his eyebrows. “I’ll massage that too.”

“I think I’d rather grab a quick shower so we can get some dinner. I’m hungry.”

Jonas stood and helped her to her feet. He glanced at the clock next to the bed. “It’s late, but there should still be at least a pizza place open. If you want, I can check and see. Maybe get a large delivered?”

As they walked together to the bathroom, Deanna surreptitiously looked him over. He was still semihard. Geez, his cock was larger than any other guy she’d known, and he wasn’t even fully aroused! As Jonas flipped on the light, she thought about the well-stocked refrigerator downstairs. “Your neighbor went to a lot of trouble to make sure we had something to eat. Seems a shame to let it go to waste.”

He nodded as he turned on the shower. “Good point.”

“I saw lunch meat and cheese in your fridge. Sandwiches?”

He took her hand and kissed a mark on her wrist before helping her into the shower. “Works for me.”

They both went silent, as if unwilling to ruin the moment. Jonas went about washing her, and as every curve and valley ended up thoroughly soaped and rinsed, Deanna felt like a goddess. He paid special attention to her bottom, and by the time they were through, the water was barely warm.

She wondered what it was going to be like tomorrow, when their time in Miami came to an end. How would she ever manage to shower or eat or sleep without him? It scared her to think that she was falling for him. Or maybe she’d always been halfway in love with Jonas. The trip had just helped her cross the last few hundred feet to the finish line.

Jonas couldn’t seem to stop staring long enough to eat his sandwich, and it wasn’t because he wasn’t hungry. He was starving, in fact. Watching Deanna devour her own ham and Swiss took top priority, though. Not that he had a fetish about women and food. It was just that Deanna happened to be naked. And he sure as shit had a fetish about a naked Deanna.

“I’ve never known a woman so completely at ease with her body,” he revealed, a little baffled by her lack of modesty.

She finished off the last of her sandwich before replying, “Does it bother you?”

“Hell no. If I had my way, you wouldn’t own a stitch of clothing.”

She dusted off her breasts where a few crumbs had landed, and Jonas had to reach beneath the table to readjust things.

“You haven’t eaten more than a few bites, Jonas. I thought you were hungry.”

“Famished,” he admitted.

“Then eat,” she instructed as she dabbed at her lips with a napkin.

Jonas pushed his plate away and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m a little distracted at the moment.”

She stood and took her plate to the sink. “That’s a shame, because that lunch meat is really good.”

Jonas’s gaze followed her every move. With her ass facing him, he could see how red her cheeks were from his spanking. Ah, Christ, there went his dick again. When she leaned forward, he assumed to rinse her plate, he had a sneaking suspicion he was being played.



“Turn around,” he demanded.

Deanna put the plate in the drainer and slowly swiveled around. Her laughing brown eyes and upturned lips greeted him. “Is there a problem?”