“Our neighbor, Mrs. Grimly. We pay her to come in and take care of the place when we’re not using it. She’s real sweet. I called her ahead of time to let her know I was coming for the weekend and asked if she’d pick up a few things from the store.”

“Oh. I’m surprised Wade never mentioned her.”

“I’m surprised you’ve never used the house before. I mean, didn’t you ever ask Wade if you could come down here for a vacation?”

She shook her head. “I knew Wade came here with women.”

“Ah, that’s right. You said we used the beach house for our sex fests. You know, Wade usually spent time alone here. Well, that is until he met Gracie.”

“And you?”

“I’ve been here with women before,” he answered in a soft voice, “but it’s been a long time—and none of them were you, Deanna.”

Jealousy sparked to life inside her as she imagined Jonas with another woman in the bed they’d so recently made love in. Had he taken other women in front of the mirror, the way he had her? She suddenly felt sick. Don’t even go there, she chided herself. You’ll only make yourself crazy. To keep from dwelling, Deanna slid off his lap and grabbed the empty water bottle.

“I’m not sure why I asked you that,” she lied, taking the empty bottle to the recycling bin. “It’s really none of my business.”

Deanna pasted on a chipper smile and was about to turn around when she felt Jonas behind her, caging her in. “If it makes any difference, it sends me into an ugly rage whenever I think of you with other men.”

“Neither of us are virgins,” she stated, as if by saying it aloud it would somehow make her feel better. It didn’t.

“True,” he admitted, “but that doesn’t mean we have to think about each other’s exes with fondness.”

“No, definitely not.”

Jonas nestled his semierect cock against her bottom, letting her feel the full brunt of his arousal. “So, how about I take you back to bed.”

“To sleep,” she admonished. “I want to go to the beach and shopping tomorrow.” She glanced at the clock on the wall. “Later today, I mean.”

“Later. Much later.”

“Jonas, if you start that thing up, we’ll never get to sleep.”

He chuckled. “Start that thing up? It’s a dick, not an engine, kitten.”

Deanna pushed against him, and Jonas got the hint, stepping back a few feet to give her room. When she turned around and saw the hunger in his eyes, she nearly gave in.

“It was a long flight, and we both used up a lot of energy earlier. We need sleep.” Was she attempting to convince him or herself? Deanna wondered.

“Fine,” he growled as he steered her out of the kitchen. “But after we’re both rested and you’ve had your shopping fix, I’ve got plans for that hot little body of yours.”

Deanna could well imagine what sort of plans Jonas had in his oh-so-clever mind. Crazy as it seemed, she was becoming pretty darned fond of said mind. In fact, if she wasn’t careful, she was going to end up falling in love with the clever, sexy, possessive, somewhat bossy man. And that would definitely be the craziest thing of all.


“Oh, come on. Guys go in this store all the time.” Deanna tugged on his arm, but he wasn’t budging.

“No way, Deanna.” Okay, maybe he was being a pussy, but ladies’ lingerie? Really? “And you’re full of crap. Guys don’t go into those stores. They order online.”

She rolled her eyes. “Surely you can handle a few pairs of panties and bras.”

Jonas peered into the window. All he saw was rack after rack of frilly lace and colorful satins. “I didn’t say I couldn’t handle it, but there isn’t a single dude in there. Only women.”

After waking in the middle of the afternoon, Deanna had fixed them both a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast. Then they’d put on their swimsuits and headed to the beach.

They’d laid out a couple of towels, then Jonas grabbed a bottle of sunblock. “Come on, kitten, I don’t want you to burn.”

She rolled her eyes and sat down on one of the towels. “I can put on my own sunscreen, Jonas.” She plucked it out of his hand and said, “I’m not helpless.”