“You were the instigator.” She shook her head, reluctantly charmed by him. “Now why doesn’t that surprise me?”

He laughed. “Hey, Jimmy and Steve weren’t too bad at coming up with ideas either.”

“Boys of a feather?” Deanna asked.

His hand slid out from beneath hers, then without warning, it covered her mound. “You could say that, yeah.”

“Jonas,” she warned.

He leaned close. “Do you really want me to stop, kitten?”

No, she didn’t. “Someone will see,” she said by way of an answer.

His index finger pushed down, hitting her clit with unerring accuracy. Deanna felt the touch clear through her jeans. “I wouldn’t let that happen.”

“The flight attendant ...”

“They’ve finished their rounds for now.” She started to protest, but he made a shushing sound. “Do you want me to tell you about my issue with ants or not?”

“Yes,” she mumbled, unable to deny the delicious torture of having Jonas so close to where she needed him.

“Where was I?” He thought for a second, then answered his own question. “Right. So, the four of us sneaked out after dark and met behind my house. Things were going pretty good, too, until I decided to hide underneath a neighbor’s boat. Seemed like the perfect spot. Several minutes went by, and I thought I’d about won. Then I felt something crawling on me. I didn’t think anything of it at first. Bugs never bothered me much. Then I felt more of them. Pretty soon they were up my pants, underneath my T-shirt. Even in my hair.”

Deanna shuddered, momentarily forgetting about Jonas’s hand between her legs. “Ew, what’d you do?”

“Ryan shined the light on me, all excited that he’d found me. Then his eyes got really big. When I looked down, I saw why. I’d lain right on top of an anthill. A big mother.”

“Oh my God, I would’ve freaked.”

Jonas curled his lip. “After I swatted the crap out of the little suckers, Ryan and I both ran home. Neither of us said a word about it to Jimmy and Steve.”

“Did you ever play flashlight tag after that?”

“Hell no. We also stayed away from that boat.” Jonas rubbed his jaw. “I wonder whatever happened to those guys.”

“What do you mean?”

“We moved out of that neighborhood a few years later. Lost touch.”

“Oh,” Deanna mused. “So, that’s why you’re afraid of ants, but you’ve been all over the world during your army days. Surely you’ve come across bigger, scarier bugs.”

“Yep, but I’ve never been covered in them, so they don’t bother me.”

She frowned, wondering if he was being straight with her. “Is that a true story?”

He laughed as he resumed stroking her. “Why would I lie about something that ridiculous?”

“To take my mind off the flight,” she answered, curious if that had been his plan all along.

“Deanna, I’ve told a few fibs in my day, but my fear of ants is very real.”

His fingers traced the seam of her jeans, and Deanna nearly moaned aloud. “Jonas, you have to stop.”

“Soon, you’re going to be begging me to continue.”

She wrapped her hand around his, then picked it up and moved it to the armrest. “Maybe, but until then, take a nap or something.”
