Hearing the husky little demand from Deanna turned him inside out. His cock swelled painfully inside his jeans. He grasped her hips and pulled her to him, then placed a soft kiss against her damp pussy lips. “Oh, hell yeah. Now that’s what I’ve been missing. I’m going to swallow every last drop of your cream, kitten.” Then, using only his thumbs, Jonas spread her open, exposing her clitoris. He sucked the little bud into his greedy mouth.

His balls drew up tight as he imagined filling her with his cock. She’d squeeze him like a loving fist, he just knew. His tongue moved inside her succulent channel, and his hands clasped onto her bottom, bringing her closer, delving deeper and giving her everything he had to give. He hissed as Deanna raked her fingers through his hair and clutched onto him as if for dear life. Then she cried out as he flicked his tongue over and around her clit. Time after time, he toyed with her. Suddenly, he could feel her thighs beginning to quiver. Her hips moved against his face as she began fucking his mouth. Her heels dug into his back, but he barely noticed. The taste, sight, and feel of Deanna’s hot, silky heat filled all his senses.

Without warning, she screamed his name and came into his mouth, her thighs tightening around his head for a moment before she slumped against the couch. Jonas swallowed her tangy juice, taking his time to linger over her as if she were his very own luscious dessert. “I could become addicted to you,” he acknowledged aloud. “You taste like warm honey.” And he’d never forget her flavor, not as long as he lived. Watching her lie there, so open and trusting, it pulled at something inside Jonas. Something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

Careful not to break the spell around them, Jonas kissed her swollen nub one more time, then slowly lifted his head. He cupped her throbbing pussy in his palm and watched as her eyelids lifted. She smiled down at him, and damn if he didn’t want to see that look on her face again and again. That look was for him alone.

“If that’s a taste of what’s to come,” she whispered, “then I think I’m really going to enjoy this trip.”

The words were so unexpected, Jonas couldn’t help but laugh. “Damn straight, kitten.”


It was Saturday afternoon, and Deanna was still a little wobbly from the encounter with Jonas the night before. And because she hadn’t slept worth a crap, thanks to her mind wandering to the man’s oh-so-talented mouth, she’d gotten up early and gone straight to the gym in the hopes of working off some of her sexual frustration. It hadn’t worked for crap. The sad truth was, now that she’d had a sampling of what Jonas had to offer, she wanted more. Deanna desperately wanted to see him strip out of his clothes and bare that perfect male body to her. And she wanted to taste him, the way he’d tasted her. She longed to feel his cock against her tongue and suck him dry.

It was going to be a damn long week.

He’d called earlier to let her know he’d purchased the plane tickets. They would leave around one in the afternoon on Friday and get back late Sunday. Luckily, her weekend was clear because her newest client was out of town on business and wouldn’t be ready to start the face-lift on his living room until he returned. Still, that meant she’d have to wait an entire week before she could have Jonas all to herself.

A cold shower. That’s what she needed. Deanna headed for her bedroom, but on the way to the stairs, she glanced around the living room and her chest filled with pride. Her home had been a labor of love. She’d enjoyed making it her own. The interior designer in her couldn’t help mentally comparing it to Jonas’s apartment. In the short amount of time she’d been inside the place, two things had stood out the most: the lack of family pictures and the starkness of the living room. There hadn’t been any real signs of Jonas, just plain white walls and dull furniture. No warmth. She realized then that she didn’t really know that much about Jonas’s life before he’d met Wade in the army. She knew he was an only child and that he wasn’t terribly close to his parents, but she didn’t know why. Miami was going to be her chance to find out more about the man who made her heart race like a greyhound chasing a rabbit.

Deanna thought again about Jonas’s plea to have her redecorate his apartment. Now that she’d seen it for herself, she just might. He needed a home, not just a place to sleep and eat, for crying out loud.

Thinking of her own house, she knew she’d gotten lucky when she’d stumbled onto the FOR SALE sign. Like many of the houses in her neighborhood, it was older but it had character. She’d fallen in love with the oddly shaped rooms and arched doorways.

She’d done the living room in country blue, with her mother’s handmade accents decorating the walls. The plush blue furniture and yellow walls were cheerful and inviting. She’d really lucked out when she’d found the square oak end tables and large trunk that doubled as a coffee table at a garage sale. The floors were polished oak that matched the tables perfectly. The large, oval area rug that her mother had purchased years ago pulled the room together beautifully. It had been the rug that gave her the idea for the décor, because she’d instantly fallen in love with the blue and yellow tones.

The kitchen still wasn’t finished. She wasn’t sure what was wrong with the room, but it certainly wasn’t the kitchen table. The large, rectangular oak table seated six comfortably. She’d vowed that someday she’d have the husband and children to fill it. An image of Jonas sprang to mind. No, she chided herself; he is not the marrying type. Going away with a man for the weekend and marrying him were two totally different things and not to be confused.

Through another doorway was the family room. Being a fan of football, Deanna had enjoyed buying the large flat-screen television to watch her games. The twin black leather recliners and couch always seemed to be where Dean and Wade headed whenever they came over for a visit. She could all too easily imagine spending a lazy Sunday with Jonas in there, cuddled up together. Damn, there she went again.

Taking the stairs up to her bedroom, Deanna was more than a little desperate to shower and hopefully clear her head, but she stopped when she caught sight of her workroom. Situated across from her bedroom, it was easily her favorite room in the house. It didn’t just have her sewing machine and yards and yards of material and tools, but it also contained her heart and soul. She took pleasure in all the hours she’d spent in there creating things for clients. When she stepped inside her bedroom, Deanna imagined inviting Jonas over. It was entirely too easy to picture what they could be doing in her big, lonely bed. One phone call and they could be filling the entire upstairs with moans of satisfaction. No, she wouldn’t cave. Heck, if Jonas could wait, then so could she.

Deanna quickly shed her clothes and stepped into the shower. She braced herself and turned the water to cold. “Holy hell that’s cold!” Okay, the cold shower thing was totally bogus. At least for women. Quickly washing and rinsing, lest she end up with hypothermia, D

eanna stepped out and dried off. Geez, she was still shivering. At least slipping into her favorite pair of plum-colored lounging pants and a short-sleeved white T-shirt took some of the chill off.

As Deanna looked at the green neon numbers on the clock, she remembered her mom was supposed to come over for a visit very soon. They were going to talk about her mom’s new job working at the women’s shelter. Gracie, Wade’s new lady love, had suggested it. Deanna was thrilled her mother had found something to do that she enjoyed, but Deanna still worried about her safety. The shelter wasn’t on the best end of town. Plus, she knew that with battered women came angry husbands spoiling for a fight.

Heading down the stairs and entering the kitchen, Deanna filled her teapot and set it on the stove to boil. When she looked over at her kitchen table, she remembered Jonas sitting there last Saturday. He’d looked so damn good with his long, muscular legs spread wide as he devoured his doughnuts. Of course, he’d looked even better devouring her the previous night. “Okay, he’s not just handsome. The man is also hot and demanding and everything my libido craves.” And, she mentally added, he happened to have the softest hair she’d ever touched. Thick enough to bury her fingers into. It was a little long by today’s standards, but Deanna loved it. And his hands. Oh, wow. When he had cupped her sex after giving her that glorious orgasm, Deanna had melted into a puddle. She’d always had an obsession for a man’s strong, calloused hands, and Jonas’s were grade A. He wasn’t overly gentle, but he didn’t manhandle her either.

And before their weekend was over, she vowed those talented hands would caress every inch of her body.

The teapot started to whistle, forcing Deanna back to reality. She flipped the burner off and used a pot holder to move the teapot to a cooling pad. While she grabbed a couple of cups from the cabinet and a box of her mom’s favorite Earl Grey tea, her mind inexorably went back over Friday night, when she’d come home to find Jonas on her porch. He’d asked why she hadn’t invited her date inside, and Deanna couldn’t bring herself to admit the truth. That her date had been a disaster. He’d been like all the other men before him, which meant he’d taken one look at her and fallen in lust with her body. Completely oblivious to the fact that there were other parts besides her ass and breasts. He hadn’t cared about her job or her hobbies. She’d even tried to talk about her interior design business, but he’d somehow managed to turn the topic right back to sex. It’d been another disappointing date.

And her real fear, the one Deanna barely admitted even to herself, was that she was terribly afraid Jonas would turn out to be the same. He’d get his fill of her body in Miami, then be ready to move on once they arrived back home. It would crush her. She didn’t understand why, but she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it wouldn’t be so easy to shrug it off.

“No, I’m not backing out,” she said aloud. “Besides, if he does see only the surface stuff, I’ll damn well give up on men completely.”

As Deanna began pouring the steaming water into her cup, she heard a faint but cheerful, “Hello? Deanna?”

“In the kitchen, Mom,” she called back. “The tea is nearly ready.” Deanna was already pouring the second cup when her mom walked into the room carrying two bags of groceries. “Mom,” she muttered, “you do not have to buy me food every time you come over.”

As her mother placed the bags down on the counter, Deanna carried the cups to the table. She watched as her mom pulled out a chair and sat. “It’s just a few things I picked up at the store. Those cookies you love and that new romantic suspense book you and I’ve been waiting to read.”

Sweat beaded her mother’s brow, and she was panting slightly. “Are you okay, Mom?” Deanna leaned down to kiss her mom’s cheek before sitting adjacent to her. “I told you before not to overdo it.”

“Don’t fuss, young lady,” she admonished, grabbing a napkin out of the holder from the center of the table. After swiping it over her brow, she wadded it up and placed it on the table next to her cup. In a stronger voice, she added, “I’m not that old yet.”