Wade rolled his eyes. “Show-off.”

Jonas chuckled. “She’s not married. Her parents ...” Jonas grimaced. “Damn.”

“What about her parents?”

“They died in a car accident. A semi lost control. They were killed instantly.”

“That’s rough.”

“Catherine grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. No criminal record, unless you count a few parking tickets. I don’t know, Wade. I think this woman is legit.” Jonas clicked a link to an article, and a picture popped up. It was a write-up in the Sunday edition of what appeared to be a small, local newspaper about Catherine Michaels’s prize-winning roses. “Uh, she’s definitely Gracie’s sister.”

“How do you know?”

Jonas pointed to the monitor. “I’m looking at her picture. She could be Gracie’s twin, Wade.”

Wade shot out of his chair. In two strides, he was next to Jonas’s desk and staring at the computer screen. “Wow. Right down to the red hair and green eyes. It’s uncanny.”

Jonas leaned back. “I say invite her here and have her bring the letters.”

Wade straightened. “I’m going to have to eat crow, aren’t I?”

“Yes. But the upside is that Gracie has a sister, and you won’t have to sleep on the couch.” He grinned as he hit the PRINT button.

“That’s a damn good upside,” Wade said as he went to the printer and took the picture out of the cradle. “Oh, man, Gracie’s going to cry when she sees this.”

“After living with a drunk for a father her whole life, I’d say she’s due for some good family news.”

“What good family news?”

At the feminine voice, Jonas swiveled around in his chair and saw Gracie standing in the connecting doorway to the converted warehouse that she and Wade called home.


p; “Hi, angel,” Wade said as he went to her and pulled her into his arms.

As Wade kissed her, Jonas felt a pang of jealousy for his friend. What he wouldn’t give to have Deanna to come home to every night.

“You’re home early.”

“Yeah, it was a slow day, so Marie let me go early,” she explained as she stepped out of Wade’s arms. Gracie looked at Jonas and asked, “What’s this about good family news? Is it about Catherine?” Gracie crossed her arms over her chest. “You two look like you’re up to something. Out with it.”

Jonas looked at Wade for help. Wade handed Gracie the picture and said, “She’s definitely your sister, Gracie.”

Gracie stared down at the image for so long Jonas started to get a little worried. When her head lifted, she looked at Wade first, then at him. Jonas could see tears in her eyes.

She lifted onto her tiptoes and kissed Wade, then murmured, “Thank you.”

Jonas came out of his chair and strode up to her. “Hey, I did all the searching. Where’s my kiss?”

Gracie laughed, which had been his intention, and placed a gentle peck on his cheek. “I don’t know how you managed it, Jonas, and I’m not sure I want to know, but thank you for this.” She held the picture against her chest. “It means more than you know.”

Wade took her into his arms and held her tight. “How about we give her a call? We could invite her up for a visit so you two can get to know each other.”

Gracie nodded and smiled. “That’s a wonderful idea.”

“Want me to come with you? Keep you company?”

She shook her head and started for the door. “No, I’m fine, Wade, but thank you. I need to talk to her alone.”