“Yeah, by

engaging in a few rounds of boxing, no doubt.” Deanna had the forethought to send up a silent prayer for her furniture. “Anything gets broken and you’ll both pay dearly.” With that deadly warning, Deanna turned and left the room.

Jonas wasn’t a happy camper. He’d been hoping to find Deanna alone, maybe even a little rumpled from dragging her out of bed, which he would’ve dragged her back into. Instead, he had to deal with her overprotective twin. Oh, joy.

“So, what brings you to Deanna’s this early?” Jonas asked as he unzipped his coat and laid it over a chair. “Shouldn’t you be on a job somewhere?”

Dean scowled. “Do you always leave Wade to do all the work, or is this just a special occasion?”

“Wade knows I’m here.” Jonas shrugged. “He’s fine with it.”

“I’m not Wade.”

Jonas snorted as he headed for the kitchen. “Thanks for the heads-up on that one.”

Dean stepped in front of him before he could get to the coffeepot. “Look, Phoenix, for whatever reason, my sister cares about you. I think she has poor taste in men, but that’s beside the point. I can’t stop her from seeing you. Just know that if you hurt her, you will pay.”

Jonas’s morning was seriously turning to shit. He dragged his fingers through his hair and muttered, “I told you before, I have no intention of hurting Deanna. What’s your problem with me, anyway?”

Dean’s eyebrows shot up. “Christ, are you serious? I know some of the things you’ve done. The women, the dangerous ops you eagerly participated in. Life is a game to guys like you. Do you honestly think I want my sister with someone like that?”

Jonas clenched his fists at his sides in an effort to keep from strangling Deanna’s brother. Something like that would surely put a crimp in their new relationship. “You’re on dangerous ground, Harrison,” he warned. “Watch it.”

Dean stepped closer so that only a few inches of air separated them. “What’s wrong, Jonas, can’t handle the truth?”

“Deanna isn’t a game to me,” he gritted out, vying with his anger for control. “And while I’m willing to be your punching bag for her sake, don’t ever put her in that category again.”

Dean frowned. After several tense seconds of silence, he asked, “You’re serious?”

“About Deanna, yes. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.”

Dean studied him another few seconds, then nodded and moved out of the way. Hallelujah. “Now that we’ve settled that, I’m hungry.”

Jonas headed to the fridge but stopped when he heard Deanna’s husky voice behind him. He turned around to find her dressed in a pair of black jogging pants and a yellow V-neck T-shirt. The sweats were baggy, but the T wasn’t. He couldn’t really see the outline of her areolas, and yet his mouth watered for a taste or a lick, anyway.

“What’d you say?”

“I said I’ll cook breakfast for you two, if you promise to play nice.”

“Omelets?” Dean asked as he pulled out a chair and sat. “You make the best omelets, Dee.”

Jonas wanted Dean gone. He wanted to feast on Deanna. He wanted to start the day all over again, only this time he never would’ve left Deanna to sleep alone. He would’ve stayed so he could wake her up with kisses. They could’ve made love, real slow and sweet. He sighed, knowing it would be hours before he could have her all to himself again. Shit, shit, shit.


“Uh, yeah, omelets sound great.” Their gazes connected and Jonas saw the same longing reflected back at him. Knowing she wanted him as badly as he wanted her was going to make playing nice with Dean pure torture.

After Deanna had made them omelets, Dean left, finally leaving Jonas alone with Deanna. All he could think about was stripping her naked and was about to say as much when his cell phone started playing the tune “Renegade,” interrupting his mental fantasy.

“That’s Wade,” Jonas cursed. “I need to get that.” He pulled his cell phone off his belt and flipped it open. “What’s up?”

“I need your computer skills,” Wade said.

“My brother has his own ring tone?” Deanna asked in a hushed voice.

Jonas nodded, completely tuning Wade out.

“Jonas? You still there?”