“Spoilsport,” he murmured.

When the flight attendant showed up out of nowhere, Deanna yearned to tell her where she could stick her nuts. Instead Jonas said, “Thanks, but I already have everything I need.”

Deanna’s stomach did a little flip at his words. The eager little redhead might not be a happy camper, but Deanna was sure buzzing.


During the rest of the flight, Deanna and Jonas had only exchanged small talk; she suspected that was because they were both too wound up for any real conversation. Now, as she stood inside the entrance of the beach house and watched Jonas take her suitcase and toiletry bag upstairs, her nerves went a little haywire. There was no going back now. She knew it in her bones. Would she even be able to undress in front of him without shaking? With her luck, she’d end up tripping over her own feet or doing something else equally as embarrassing.

Deanna tried to get her mind off the evening to come and instead took in the room around her. The furnishings, she noted, were very manly. Stainless steel and shiny black surfaces. Not for the first time, Deanna wondered just how many women Jonas had brought here with the sole purpose of seducing and conquering.

“I can see those wheels turning, Deanna,” Jonas said as he returned.

She looked him over and felt the same girlish desire as the first time she’d spotted him at their family picnic years ago. God, she never should have come to Miami. What did she know about a man like Jonas? He had expert lover stamped all over his delicious body. She’d be lucky to escape with even an ounce of her feminine pride left.

“I know just the thing to take the edge off,” Jonas said as he walked to the far side of the room. For the first time, Deanna noticed the fully stocked wet bar. Jonas turned over two short glasses, then poured some amber liquid into each. When he brought one to her and murmured, “Try it,” Deanna immediately shook her head. “I don’t care for alcohol unless there’s an umbrella sticking out of the top of the glass.”

He chuckled. “Come on, kitten. Give it a try. A little sip, that’s all I ask.”

Deanna thought a glass of Diet Coke and a bag of chocolate chip cookies would soothe her frazzled nerves much better, but she didn’t think that would sound too sophisticated. Hesitant, she took the proffered glass and gave it a sniff. Jonas stopped her with a hand covering the rim.

“You don’t have to try it if you don’t want to. I won’t be offended, Deanna.”

Suddenly it seemed imperative to try the drink. “No, it’s fine. Besides, you’re right. I could use something to relax me.” After Jonas removed his hand, Deanna brought the glass to her lips. She did as he’d suggested and took a small sip. The smooth liquid flowed over her tongue and down her throat, surprising her with its delicate flavor. It had a sweet, cherry flavor.

“Mmm, it’s good.”

Jonas tipped his head to the side, scrutinizing her. “Just good?”

“Well, I do like the warm cherry flavor, but it’s no margarita.”

Jonas chuckled. “How about you go get freshened up or whatever it is women do, so I can get you a margarita?”

“And food. I’m hungry.”

“Mexican sound good to you?”

“I love Mexican.” Deanna swirled the liquid around and took another sip before handing the glass back to Jonas. “I’ll just be a minute.”

“Take your time,” he said as he unclipped his cell phone from his belt. “I’m going to check in with Wade anyway. Let him know we arrived safely.”

Deanna nodded. “Good idea. Otherwise he’ll start calling both our cell phones.”

“Exactly.” Jonas winked. “And I really don’t want any interruptions while we’re here.”

No way was she going down that tempting road. “Where’s the bathroom?”

“Up the stairs and to the left.”

She clutched her purse in a tight fist and started toward the stairs. When she heard Jonas call her name, Deanna stopped and shot him a questioning look over her shoulder.

“The bedroom is on the right.”

“The bedroom?” she asked as butterflies began to flutter to life inside her stomach. An image of Jonas curled around her as they slept sprang to mind.

“There are three bedrooms, kitten, but do you really want your own room?”

Instead of answering, Deanna pointed to the phone Jonas clutched in one fist. “Call Wade.”