Jonas placed a finger against her lips and cut her off. “No what-ifs. Give me a chance, Deanna. That’s all I ask.”

After she nodded, he removed his finger. When Deanna reached inside a pocket on her leather jacket and pulled out a set of keys, Jonas hummed his approval. “You look damn good in leather, kitten.”

She frowned and planted a hand on her hip. “Okay, I have to know. Why do you call me ‘kitten’?”

He leaned close and whispered, “Because every time I see you, I have this wild urge to pet you until you purr.”


He chuckled at her short, one-word reply. “Now scooch, before I lose what little control I have left.”

She rolled her eyes and walked around to the driver’s side. “You’re a very bad influence on me, Jonas Phoenix.”

He bobbed his eyebrows and shot right back, “You have no idea, kitten.”


“Our flight leaves at one-fifteen, Deanna!”

“I’m aware,” Deanna shouted back. Jonas’s deep voice coming from the bottom of her stairs flustered her, and she banged her foot into the leg of her bed. “Ow, crap!”

She ruthlessly ignored the pain and went back to tossing stuff into her suitcase. Sandals, bathing suit, summer clothes, and nighties. She didn’t much care if they wrinkled, either, not with Jonas alone in her living room. He was looking at her things. Knowing him, he’d be touching her shelves and picking up picture frames. He was too curious for his own good. He was probably dissecting her while she piddled around. What had she been thinking to agree to meet at her place? She should have told him she’d meet him at the airport instead. She hadn’t been thinking. Heck, her brain was still muddled from the orgasm he’d given her on Wednesday.

They hadn’t even made it to Miami and the man had managed to give her not one, but two orgasms. She felt a tad selfish, actually. Not once had she been able to get beneath his clothes. She’d wanted to, though. Criminy, she’d all but ached to unzip his fly and hold his rock-hard cock in her hands. He’d distracted her; that’s what he’d done. How was a woman supposed to think when a guy as hot as Jonas had his fingers and lips all over her? Impossible.

She rushed into her bathroom and grabbed her deodorant and makeup, birth control pills, and a myriad of other very important items she couldn’t live without. Now all she needed was to get him out the door and away from her things.

As Deanna lugged the suitcase and toiletry bag into the living room, she was shocked to see Jonas sitting on her couch, legs spread out in front of him, reading one of her books. She moved closer and read the title, then felt her face burn. He seemed to sense her presence in the room because he glanced over the top of the hardback.

“Fascinating stuff,” Jonas said, waving the book in the air as he read the title aloud. “ ‘Everything You Need to Know to Satisfy Your Man.’ ” He grinned. “Damn catchy title too.”

Deanna dropped the suitcases and went to take her book back, but Jonas dodged her. Anger welled to the surface. She held out a hand. “Don’t be a jerk. Give me the book.”

“I will, but first I want to know if you’ve read the section on oral pleasure.”

“None of your business.” Dang it, she hadn’t meant him to see the bloody thing.

“Now, see,” he said, “that’s where you’re wrong.”

“I don’t need instructions, Jonas. I’m not a virgin.”

“Then why the book, Deanna?”

Because I want to blow your mind in Miami and figure a few tips couldn’t hurt. No way was she about to tell him that little nugget of truth. “I was curious.”

“S’that why you’re turning red?”

Crap, he had her there. Deanna swiveled on her heel and walked out of the room. She needed a cold drink, that’s all. She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and unscrewed the cap. After several sips, Deanna went back into the living room. Jonas still had his nose buried in the book. She stopped in the middle of the room. “The way you’re reading that, I’m starting to think you need tips on satisfying your man. Is there something you want to tell me, Jonas?”

Jonas tossed the book onto the coffee table, then stood and walked toward her. “What I want to know is, do you have any intention of getting a tongue ring?”

She snorted. “Not in this lifetime. Pain and I do not get along.”

His lips kicked up sideways. Damn, he was cute when he did that. “Well, there goes that fantasy.”

Too late, his words registered and Deanna’s anger shot to the surface. “You’re welcome to go find another woman willing to fulfill it.”

He reached out and stroked her hair. “The only woman starring in my fantasies is you.”