“You too.” Jonas wanted to punch Dean for making Deanna feel so self-conscious in the swimsuit. Then again, Dean could say whatever the hell he wanted to the woman, considering they were related. You’re the outsider here, Jonas reminded himself.

Offering Deanna a smile, Jonas said, “Maybe we can finish our conversation later.”

She smiled, but it didn’t quite meet her eyes this time. “Yeah, maybe.”

Jonas didn’t take his gaze off Deanna as she walked across the deck. When she disappeared inside the house, Dean muttered, “She forgets sometimes.”

Curious, Jonas asked, “Forgets what?”

“That she’s not a little girl any longer.”

No, Deanna definitely wasn’t a little girl, Jonas thought, as her image popped back into his head. She was all woman, and he had the crazy urge to possess her.

“Cut her some slack, Dean,” Wade said. “You’re too protective of her.”

“And you aren’t?” Dean asked as he turned to face Wade.

Jonas stayed silent as he listened to the two brothers argue. He couldn’t believe Dean and Deanna were actually twins. While they did share many of the same features—same dark hair and eyes, even the same height—Dean had a big, muscular build. Deanna was all soft hills and valleys and sweet, feminine curves. And damn if he didn’t wish like hell she wasn’t his best friend’s little sister.

Sometimes life just sucked.

Deanna watched Jonas from the safety of the kitchen window. “Holy smokes, he’s hot,” she mumbled to herself.

From his shaggy, dark hair right on down to his lean, powerful frame. Everything about him appealed to her. She’d never experienced such a strong reaction to a man. It frightened her a little. There was just something in the way he’d looked at her. As if he’d wanted to devour her. Inch by inch. And Deanna knew deep down that she would’ve let him.

Then her brothers had come along and ruined the moment. Score another one for the Harrison men. Geez, what else was new? And her twin was the worst. Dean seemed to have a sixth sense where she was concerned. A guy couldn’t look at her twice without Dean sticking his big, crooked nose into the mix. When would he realize she wasn’t a little kid any longer?

Deanna moved away from the window—away from the appealing sight of Jonas Phoenix—and went to the fridge. Grabbing a bottle of water, she glanced down at her swimsuit and cursed under her breath. She didn’t see anything wrong with wearing a one-piece. It’s not as if she were parading around in a bikini, for crying out loud. And it was a family picnic!

“Brothers are annoying,” she muttered.

“You’re glaring.”

The deep baritone so close to her ear made Deanna jump. Her water bottle sloshed around, and a little of it spilled onto her mother’s tile floor. “Dang it,” she grumbled.

“It was my fault.”

The sexy voice had her looking to her right. Jonas stood there, staring at her, his lips tilted sideways. “Oh, no,” she rushed to say. “I get lost in thought sometimes, that’s all.” So lost in her own angry musings that she hadn’t even heard the back door open and close.

He leaned around her and grabbed a couple of napkins sitting in a holder on the counter. Then he bent to clean up the mess. When he looked at her from his kneeling position, Deanna’s heart beat faster. He licked his lips. Deanna froze in place as his gaze roamed over her body. “I see you didn’t put on a cover-up,” he stated in a low voice.

“N-no. My brother can stuff it.”

His sinful smile turned her legs to rubber. “I’m glad. You shouldn’t let him tell you what to do.”

“It’s okay. I’ll get him back later. I’m thinking the water hose.”

He stood and went to the trash to toss out the wet napkins. Deanna couldn’t help but stare at his butt. It was a really great butt.

When he came back over to her, he said, “Well, I’m sorry I startled you.” He paired the apology with a delicious grin.

As he shoved his big hands into the front pockets of his jeans, Deanna felt goose bumps popping up all over her skin. Oh, yes, definitely yummy.

“Like I said, it’s not your fault,” she replied, hoping to sound unaffected by the six-foot-plus hottie. “We’ll blame Dean for this one.”

“I thought I heard you curse.” He frowned. “Is there something wrong?”

“Nothing a good beating can’t fix,” she grumbled, still perturbed at her siblings. “My twin can be annoying sometimes.”