There was the million-dollar question. “I don’t know. He’s smart, he works hard, he’s a genuinely nice guy. Overbearing and annoying, but he’s one of the good ones. Plus, he’s hot as hell. My God, the things that man can do with his hands…” her voice trailed off as she remembered just exactly how talented he was with his fingers.

“Okay, so he’s the best thing since Mom’s double fudge brownies. Then what’s wrong with him? Does he have like an extra nipple or something? What?”

Grace laughed. “No, he doesn’t have an extra nipple.”

“That’s a relief,” Faith said, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Grace sobered as she thought over Faith’s question. “I don’t know, sis. He’s just so intense. When I’m around him I feel like he can see right into my soul. I’m not sure I’m ready for a guy like Jackson.”

“And yet you still made out with him. It seems to me like your body is tired of your brain holding back. Maybe you need to give him a chance. See where it goes.”

“I gave him a chance tonight and he left.” Grace got angry all over again as she remembered his parting words. “Do you know what he said? He said if I wanted the rest, I’d have to get it from him in Vegas. See what I mean? He’s so annoying.”

“Vegas? Since when did you decide to go to Vegas?”

“Since today. There’s a big IT convention there next week. Jackson invited me to come along and check out the latest technology for Vaughn’s. When I refused, he called me chicken. Can you believe that?”

“Ah, the magic word. Boy, he really knows how to push your buttons.”

Oh he’d pushed buttons all right. And she’d had a delicious orgasm as a result. “Yeah, don’t remind me.”

“So, maybe you go to Vegas. Maybe you see if you can’t make him squirm a little.”

Grace grinned. “I like the way you think.”

“Thanks. Now, can I get back to my book? Rafe just tied Kimberley to the bed.”

“Sure, but I want it when you’re done.”

“Of course.”

They said their goodbyes and hung up. Grace bit off another piece of her chocolate bar and thought about Faith’s words. Make him squirm. Now that’s something she could wrap her mind around.

Chapter Five

“I have nothing to say to you.”

Jackson was more confused than ever. He’d been going insane since he’d tasted her juices. Nothing in his life had prepared him for the sweet flavor of Grace Vaughn. The entire weekend had passed in a blur. His mind had lingered on the feel of Grace’s soft curves, the intoxicating flavor of her arousal. He’d ached to take her, to drive his cock deep, fuck them both into the next damn century. Knowing she’d resent the hell out of him afterwards had caused him to hold back. He needed her to come to him.

As they sat on the plane at the Las Vegas airport waiting to exit, Jackson was at his wits end with Grace’s refusal to speak to him. “What’s your problem? You’ve been silent the entire plane ride.”

“You know what the problem is. Don’t play dumb.”

“You’re pissed I left you the other night, is that it? You think it was easy for me to walk away?”

“I think you’re crazy if you think I’ll ever let you so much as touch me again, much less do anything else on this trip.”

“You would’ve hated me if I’d taken you to bed. You would’ve run so fast in the opposite direction my head would’ve spun. Then where would we be?”

Her gaze remained on the window as she said, “Your biggest problem is that you think you know me so well. You don’t, so stop acting like you do.”

“I know you well enough to know you weren’t ready to sleep with me. You would’ve woken up cursing me. Don’t deny it.”

She swiveled around to face him. At least she wasn’t avoiding him. It was something. “You know what I think? I think you’re the one who’s afraid. I think you like it when I turn you down, because then you don’t have to deal with a woman who can string two words together. It’s easier to date bimbos. There’s no real challenge there.”

“The women I date aren’t bimbos, and you’re purposely steering the conversation away from what’s really bothering you. You wanted me, and I left.”

Grace leaned closer and growled, “I wanted you, yes, but you can’t handle a real woman. You like women who drop at your feet and fawn all over you. I’ve seen them, so don’t deny it. Don’t play the martyr, either. It doesn’t suit you. You left because you got scared.”