“You never said anything,” he said finally. “I had no idea you were this unhappy. Why, Chloe?”

She slumped in her seat. “I tried talking to you, several times. You would either promise to be home more, which never happened, or you’d wave my concerns away as if I were suffering from a particularly vicious bout of PMS or something. After awhile, I stopped trying.”

Merrick was quiet for a long time. Chloe couldn’t tell what he was thinking. Sal brought their food and chatted with them a moment then left them to eat in privacy. She wanted to shove her plate away. Just the thought of eating the rich sauce and savory meatballs made her stomach queasy, but it was better than sitting in total silence.

Merrick released her hand and they both ate several bites before giving up. She peeked at Merrick and watched as he swiped a napkin over his mouth. That small gesture was sexier than a room full of exotic male dancers to Chloe. How could she possibly get over the man when she melted every time they were in the same room together?

When he sat back and crossed his arms over his chest, Chloe shivered. She recognized the determination in his dark blue eyes. Merrick was gearing up for a battle. He’d gotten the same look in meetings over the years. That look said, I’m going to win and there’s nothing you can do about it.

“I have a proposition for you,” Merrick said, his voice a low rumble that skated over her nerve endings like a hot caress.

“Okay, I’m listening.” She couldn’t even begin to guess at what Merrick had in mind.

“I want to take you on vacation. An entire week, just the two of us.”

“That won’t solve our problems. I wish that was all it would take, but the instant we come back, you’ll be back to working around the clock and I’ll be right back to waiting for you to remember that you’re married.”

Merrick’s gaze never changed, but she could see that her words affected him. His entire body tensed. “I didn’t forget we were married, but I see I’ve neglected you. I know I’ve been a lousy husband lately, but I think I deserve a chance to make it up to you. To make you see that I can change. That I will change.”

She badly wanted to believe him. She needed to believe him, and

that scared her more than anything. He was her life, her only love. Divorce wouldn’t change how her heart felt. She would always belong to Merrick. Still, she needed to protect her heart from more pain.

“I don’t know, Merrick. I’ve tried so many times to get you to hear me, but nothing ever worked.”

“I was a blind fool. I know that now. When I read your note and realized you’d left me, I felt like my entire life had come to a screeching halt. I’m asking you to give me a chance to save our marriage. Let me have a week alone with you. If you’re still determined that a separation is the only answer, then I’ll let you go, no questions.”

“One week?” she asked, hesitant but for the first time hopeful.

Merrick nodded. “One week alone. No work, not even via the computer. It’ll be all about you and me, baby.”

She liked the sound of that, and he knew it. Damn it. “Where?”


Oh, God, a second honeymoon. Merrick was much better at playing emotional warfare than she’d ever imagined. But as she well knew, words were one thing, actually putting plan to action was all together different.

“You can’t just take off. I’m your administrative assistant, remember? Your calendar is full. Leaving the business for a full week is out of the question.”

“I took today off and the place didn’t burn down. I reckon a week won’t hurt either. Besides, Jackson is more than capable of stepping in. We both know it. Stop making excuses.”

He was right. Jackson, his Vice President of Operations, was fully capable of handling things. It might very well prove to be the biggest mistake of her life if she went away with Merrick now. She might end up hurting even more. Could she possibly turn down this last ditch effort to save their marriage, though? She loved him too much not to try one more time.


Merrick’s smile wasn’t at all comforting. “There’s one catch.”

Well, of course there was! She should’ve seen that one coming a mile away. A man didn’t build a million-dollar company from the ground up and not have a few tricks up his sleeve.

“What are you thinking?” she ground out. “Out with it.”

“You do everything I say. I’m in charge of our fun in and out of the bedroom while we’re there.”

She quirked a brow at his choice of words. “Our fun?”

“You do as I say. Exactly as I say. You’ll turn yourself over to me completely.” He leaned close as he murmured, “The last day is yours to do with as you wish. You can order me to suck your toes if you want and I’ll do it. I’ll be putty in your hands, baby.”

The idea was way more appealing than it should’ve been. “You’ve never let me do that. You like to have control.”