She cupped the back of his head and said, “I never expected nine to five. I knew what I was getting into when we married.”

“Then come home.”

“I love you. When I think about a future without you, my stomach hurts and I feel like someone’s stabbing me in the chest.” She took a deep breath then let it out. “Please understand. I’m not giving up on us, but I’m

not convinced anything will change. Right now you’re trying to win me back, but how do I know that feeling won’t change the minute your cell phone goes off and there’s some new social event you have to attend or some crisis that requires your attention?”

A muscle in his jaw jumped. “You don’t, but I’ll prove I’m serious about this. You’ll see for yourself. I love you, too, wife. Nothing else matters.”

She bit her lip and looked away as she remembered her plan to find a new job. “I was going to quit,” she admitted. “I even updated my resume.”

He tugged on her chin, forcing her to look at him. “If you won’t move back in, at least keep your job. That’s the only way you’ll be able to see with your own eyes that I’m serious about making some changes.”

He was right. If she stayed at Vaughn’s then at least she’d know for herself if his new mantra would stick. Plus, she’d get to see him on a daily basis. “Okay, I’ll stay.”

He smiled and stroked her chin. “Good,” he murmured. “In the meantime, we still have the suite until morning and I want to make love to my wife again.”

His head descended, and Chloe surrendered. The kiss was hard and filled with possessive heat. Oh, God, how would she ever have the strength to stick to her guns? He was much too addicting. It was just that simple.


Merrick was going slowly insane. It’d been a full week since they’d returned from Hawaii and Chloe had stayed true to her word. While she kept working at Vaughn’s, she’d moved out of the hotel and into her dad’s house. It’d been hell trying to sleep without her. He was running on pure fear alone. Fear that she may never come back to him. Every morning he saw her at her desk was like a living hell, but not seeing her would have been worse. It was small consolation to know she wasn’t giving up on him entirely.

“Hey, you in there?”

Jackson’s voice jerked him back to the task at hand. It was late afternoon on Friday and Merrick had pulled his V.P. off a project so they could discuss the changes he’d been contemplating ever since Chloe had moved out. “As I was saying I need to cut back on my hours. That’s where you come in.”

“I’m all ears.”

“The biggest problem seems to be the social events and the local commerce meetings. Also the Multiple Sclerosis charity that Vaughn’s sponsors. I’d like you to take over these events.”

Jackson nodded. “Works for me.”

Merrick thought for a second, then said, “Also, I want you to interview someone for the sales rep position.”

“You have someone in mind?”

“My cousin Grace. She’s been pestering me about hiring her. She’s just graduated with her bachelor’s, and I’d like you to do the interview.”

Jackson surprised him when he frowned and sat back in his chair. “Does she know I’m doing the interview?”

He shook his head. Merrick knew Jackson and Grace butted heads on occasion, but he’d never understood why. “No. I haven’t talked to her yet. Is there a problem?”

“Nope, none at all. I’ll set it up immediately.”

“Let me run it by her first,” Merrick said. He hoped Grace wouldn’t give him a hard time about Jackson doing the interview, but he had a feeling she would. He should delve deeper, find out what it was with the two of them, but he didn’t really have it in him to give a damn. All he could concentrate on was Chloe. The door to his office opened and she appeared, as if his thoughts had conjured her.

She walked across the room and handed him some documents. “I need your signature on these.”

Merrick took them and turned to Jackson. “I’ll send you a schedule of upcoming events.”

Jackson stood. “Sounds good.”

After he left, Merrick’s gaze zeroed in on Chloe. Damn she looked good. The black slacks and emerald green blouse she wore hugged a body he longed to touch. “How’s it going with your dad?”

She smiled and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “It’s okay. We stay out of each other’s way for the most part.”

“I miss you, baby,” Merrick said, unable to contain it much longer. He’d wanted to give her room, but, damn, he was getting desperate.