“Holy hell, you’re tight,” he ground out. “The tightest little fist holding my cock prisoner.” As he tried to push in an inch more, he was forced to stop. “Chloe, baby, you’re not relaxing. Don’t tense up on me.”

“I-I can’t help it.”

Merrick stretched out on top of her, bracing his arms on either side of her head, and kissed her with gentle reverence. His lips played with hers, sipping at her sweetness. Her arms came around his shoulders and her legs wrapped around his hips as she surrendered to him completely. He felt her inner muscles relax and took advantage, pushing all the way in, filling her with his hard cock.

“Chloe, sweet Chloe,” he mouthed against her lips. She pushed her tongue into his mouth and lifted her hips, forcing his cock deeper still, his balls cushioned against her ass cheeks.

In the soft cradle of Chloe’s body, Merrick had found his paradise.

Chapter Twelve

Chloe stared up at her husband’s feral expression, captivated by the change in him. He’d always been gentle and sweet in his loving. Looking at him now, it was as if he’d opened a door to his soul and let a wild man out of its cage. She’d known he could be rough and aggressive, but he’d never shown her that part of his nature. Until now. It frightened her a little, but it also turned her on. Her husband was giving her something special, his complete self. No walls, no holding back. Just Merrick at his most primal.

“Your eyes are devouring me, babe,” he whispered as his fingers coasted down her side and over to her mound to play with her clit. Chloe’s pussy clenched as the pleasure spiked anew. “Do you like having my cock inside this ass?”

“Yes,” she breathed out, “it feels so good. Every time you move, I can feel every little pulse from your cock.”

He thrust his hips forward, his heavy length stroking nerve endings she’d never known existed. With each erotic glide, he grew more frantic. His fingers flicked and toyed with her clitoris. Chloe’s blood surged in her veins. Her legs clamped tighter around his hips in an effort to bring th

em both to that pinnacle of rapture.

“You’re going to crave it,” he vowed. “We’ll both crave it.”

Chloe moaned and writhed as Merrick fucked her ass and pumped her clit. He surrounded her with his powerful body and wild hunger.

Merrick wrapped a fist in her hair and forced her to look at him. “This ass is for me. No other, Chloe. Your pussy, your mouth, it’s all mine. I’ll never let you go.”

Chloe tried to shake her head, to deny his words. To insert some of her own dominance. He would have none of it. He pulled out of her, then thrust in again, hard and deep. His fingers played with her little nub with expert skill. A pinch, a stroke. He knew how high to take her before letting her come back down, only to do it all over again. Working her body as if he knew it better than she.

“Merrick, please!”

“You want to come, baby?”

“You know I do!” Chloe cried as she gripped his shoulders, her nails biting into flesh and muscle.

“Admit the truth and I’ll give you what you need,” he softly urged. “Admit we belong together. Let me hear you say the words.”

He wanted her to surrender, body and soul. To give her trust to him. She didn’t dare. Not when things were still so uncertain between them. “I can’t give you that, Merrick.”

Merrick pulled out of her completely, leaving her bereft. Within seconds he had her on her stomach, her bottom raised in the air from the pillows he’d placed beneath her earlier. He leaned down and whispered against the shell of her ear. “Say it,” he demanded. “You’re mine. I’m yours.”

She tried to sit up, but his palm on her back held her prisoner. “Be still and give me what I want.”

“This can’t be settled like this. It’s not that simple.”

“It is that simple,” he snarled. His palm coasted down her back, then over her buttocks. Chloe squirmed beneath his touch. Fire licked up her spine. She needed him to fill her, to take them both to that place only he seemed able to find.

“Give it to me, baby. I’ll make you scream with pleasure. All you have to do is be a good girl and say the words.”

“No,” she ground out, tempting the beast.

Her only warning that she’d pushed too far was a sudden gust of air that snaked over her bottom seconds before his palm connected with her sensitive flesh. He’d spanked her! “How dare you!”

“Say it.”

She tried to break free, but he only held her down with one hand and swatted her again. This time the other cheek. Her flesh stung. Two more swats and Chloe no longer wanted up. Her body was a blazing inferno of need. Her pussy throbbed, and juices dripped down her thighs. Merrick petted her, soothing the ache. “Will you say the words?”

“This isn’t fair. You know it isn’t. Please, Merrick.”