Lacey harrumphed even as she allowed Nick to pull her away. Merrick so didn’t want to know what Nick had in mind for Lacey.

“I think you’re doing a terrific job.”

Merrick swung around. His breath caught. At three weeks pregnant, nothing had changed about his wife’s body. But the knowledge that she carried his child sent a dose of pure male pride through him.

Merrick crooked his finger. “Come here, give me a kiss.”

Chloe closed the gap separating them. In an instant, Merrick had her in his arms, his mouth slanted over hers. He sucked at her lips, teasing his way into her mouth. She tasted like apple juice. Sweet and tangy. He wanted to sip at her all day. He lifted an inch and whispered, “Daddy’s hungry, angel.”

“Mmm, yes,” she sighed, “but we’ll have to wait until after the barbeque.”

Merrick ground his teeth together. Damn, their family get-togethers always went late into the evening. “I have a treat for you,” he tempted her.

Chloe pulled back, her eyes alight with excitement. “You do?”

“Yeah.” He leaned close and whispered, “I bought you a paddle.”

Chloe gasped. “Merrick!”

“Figure out a way to leave early and I’ll give you a pretty red ass as a reward.”

“You’re insatiable,” she replied, but he noticed she didn’t seem too upset by that fact.

He winked. “And you love it.”

“Love what?”

Merrick knew that voice. He mentally counted to ten and turned around. His cousin, Grace Vaughn, followed by a pissed off Blade. At five foot three inches and one hundred and ten pounds, Grace was trouble with a capital T. “None of your business, brat.”

“Aw, that’s no fun.”

“Why aren’t you in the house torturing Blade?”

“He lost. Three times. I swear he’s a spoilsport, too.”

“Chess or poker?”

Grace grinned like the imp she was. “Chess, and I got forty dollars out of that big lug.”

Merrick quirked a brow at Blade. “You actually bet money? Thought you were smarter than that, bro.” No one placed bets against Grace. She was the best damn chess player around. She’d competed in college and still had a reputation.

“Hell, I would have won, but she brought out the timer,” Blade complained. “I hate that stupid timer.

Grace laughed and patted Blade on the arm. “It’s that Vaughn male pride. Gets you boys every time.”

“Maybe you’re just not playing with the right guy.”

Grace flushed and swiveled on her heel. “And you’d be the right guy, huh?”

Jackson stood to Grace’s left, his eyes filled with challenge. What the hell?

“I think I could definitely give you a run for your money, little girl.”

She snorted and planted her hand on her hip. “You wish.”

Jackson crossed his arms over his chest. “Afraid I’ll win?”

Grace mimicked his pose, then stuck her nose in the air. “Afraid you’ll cry like a baby when you lose.”