Page 76 of Take Her Man

“They sound like fun,” he said.

“Oh, they’re both a bag of fun. My friends specialize in nonstop excitement.”

“I think that’s good,” Kyle said, “you know, to have such well-rounded friends. Who wants to hang around a bunch of stiff people all day?”

“That’s what I say.” I sat back on the couch. “I mean, Tamia is one of the smartest, most sensible people I know, but she knows how to party.” We both laughed. “You know, it’s really cool, Kyle,” I said, “that you can just hang with me and not be all sanctified and stuff…that you don’t pass judgment on me. I was honestly worried about that when I met you—that you’d judge everything I did.”

“Oh, don’t get confused. I pray for you sinners all the time,” Kyle said jokingly. “No seriously, I respect the fact that you’re a real person. You’re human and so am I. I can’t judge anything you do. I can only pray you make the right decisions. Judgment is something I dislike about a lot of saved people. We get saved and act like we forgot about what it was like beforehand, like we never sinned at all. And that’s just a lie. I would be lying if I said I haven’t had my times. I went to a black college just like you.” I laughed. “Besides, I couldn’t judge you, Troy. You’re not like Mary of Magdalene or anything.”

“How do you know that?” I asked just as there was a knock on the door. I got up assuming it was Tasha.

“I just know. You’re a lot more innocent than you let on.”

“Tasha?” I said, walking toward the door.

I looked through the peephole just as I was about to open the door, and it wasn’t Tasha. Julian and a dozen red roses were staring back at me. “Oh shit,” I said.

“Troy?” Julian and Kyle said at the same time. I looked back at Kyle. What was I going to do?

“Kyle,” I said, “I’ll be right back. I just need a minute.” I cracked the door open and slid out, closing it behind me.

“Hey, baby,” Julian said, opening his arms. “Surprise.”

“Heeeeey,” I said with forced enthusiasm.

“These are for you.” Julian handed me the roses. “I felt so bad after we got off the phone that I decided to make it up to you…and here I am.”

“Yeah…yeah,” I managed. “Here you are. You, you, you.” I playfully nudged him on the shoulder. Suddenly I thought of asking him if we could sit in the hallway—be rustic and spend the night in the hallway…like a really chic camping trip. Then everything would be okay and he wouldn’t have to find out Kyle was in my hotel suite.

“First, I figured I’d wait for you to come back to New York, but then I thought, where’s your sense of romance? This is the woman you love. She needs your support. Show her you love her,” Julian said, taking me into his arms again. “You see, I love you and I want to be with you!” he hollered very loudly.

“Now? Like right now?” I asked. “Like here?”

“Of course, T. I’m here to prove my love to you and ask you to be with—”

The door to the suite opened and Kyle poked his head out.

“You okay?” he asked, looking at Julian and me.

“Kyle?” Julian looked at him, confused, and then looked at me. “Kyle? Your father’s friend?”

“Hey, man,” Kyle said, shaking Julian’s hand.

“Yeah. Kyle, can you go inside while I talk to Julian?” I added, sounding like a customer service representative. “I’ll be right in.” Kyle’s head disappeared and the door closed again.

“What the hell is he doing here?” Julian asked, pointing at the door. “I thought your friend was in the hospital.”

“She is.”

“I come all the way here to see you and you have another man in your hotel? When your friend is supposedly in the fucking hospital? I can’t believe this shit.” I could see a little vein popping out on Julian’s forehead.

“Are you with that man?” Julian asked. “Just tell me now and I’ll leave, Troy. I’ll go away and not come back if you’re with him.”

“No, baby.”

“Well, if you’re not with him, tell him to leave. Tell him to go.” Julian stepped away and took back his flowers. “Tell him to go and I’ll stay.”

I pressed my palm against the door and looked at Julian. Everything I ever wanted was in front of me. The man I loved was standing in front of my hotel room holding a bouquet of flowers. I couldn’t turn him down, no matter what was waiting behind that door. I couldn’t lose Julian again.