Page 76 of His First Wife

“Look, I told you I had nothing to do with the thing with Piper. She admitted that she found out at work.”


“Coreen works at her firm. Piper saw her having lunch with Jamison and had her assistant pry into Coreen’s e-mail to see if she could find something.”

“Oh, no,” I said with my heart sinking. “I can’t believe this. Now everyone knows.”

“Piper promised not to tell another soul.”

“A promise from Piper? That’s got to be worth about a penny on a good day.”

“It’s worth a bit more when she had to come to your best friend to get a Viagra prescription for a man who isn’t her husband.” Marcy paused. “Kerry, it was all one big misunderstanding. I would never hurt you.”

“I’m sorry. I should’ve listened to you,” I said with the news about Piper still coming together in my mind. I felt like such a fool for having cut Marcy out of my life for so long. I missed her.

Without hesitating, she opened her arms and embraced me.

“Look, everything’s fine with us,” she said, backing up and looking into my eyes. “I’m your girl. I’m not going anywhere. You know how we do . . . pick up right where we left off.”


“And since we left off with me all up in your business, I might as well get all up in your business right now. What’s up with you and Preston?”

“We’re just here for dinner,” I said. “It’s not what you think. He’s just a friend.”

“Then why are you having dinner at a hotel?”

“Plenty of people have dinner here.”

“Not married women without their husbands.”

“Well, you’re here,” I said, looking around. “And I don’t see Damien anywhere.”

“Exactly,” she said with her eyes narrowing. “This isn’t the place for you, Kerry. I know you’re upset about what’s happening with Jamison, but this really isn’t for you. Stop now before it goes to far.”

“How can you tell me what not to do to a man that cheated on me?”

“Because I know what you’re going through,” she whispered to me.

“Marcy,” a handsome man that I’d never seen called from behind her.

“And I don’t want your marriage to end up like mine. Your husband loves you. He just fucked up. You can work it out and come back from that. But if you do this, there is no coming back,” she rattled off.

The man walked up and handed Marcy her coat.

“I’m just having dinner,” I said. “Preston is my friend.”

“Go home,” Marcy said, walking away with the man. “Just go home.”

I felt like everyone in the dining room was watching me when I walked back inside. I lowered my head and walked quickly to the table.

“I’m sorry about that,” I said as I took my seat. “She’s just upset.”

“About what?” he asked.

“Well,” I laughed playfully, “she seems to think we’re on a date . . . that you’re trying to sleep with me.”

“Hum,” he said as if this was something he’d thought of. “Well . . .”