Page 63 of His Last Wife

“This is us,” Kerry said, interested in the image, but not yet bewildered, as Val expected her to be.

“I know. It’s kind of odd. I wasn’t sure if I should show you.”

“Who took it? Where’d you get this?” Kerry asked.

“It was on some Web site. A news Web site.” Val reached over and scrolled the screen on the phone to the next photo. “This next one was on a blog. There’s more.” She scrolled again and again. The images were taken from various vantage points and at different times. One was taken right outside of the hotel.

Kerry covered her mouth. “This is crazy. Someone’s following us?” Kerry looked at the room door.

“Clearly. I read one of the articles,” she said, opening the screen to show Kerry. The headline read: TAYLOR’S WIVES ARRIVE IN CUBA TO JOIN THE FIGHT. Val scrolled down to the article itself and explained that the writer claimed they were in the Havana area to lead a rally for the Fihankra Center. There was something about Kerry being an organizer and that she was there to spread Jamison’s message of equality for all citizens.

“What rally? I have no idea what they’re talking about. I didn’t come here to lead any rally. Where’d they get this stuff?” Kerry scanned the article as she spoke.

“Well, there’s more.” Val showed Kerry the next blog she’d read. It was Baba Seti’s blog. Front and center was the picture of them getting into the van at the airport. His headline was more direct than the last: SISTERS JOIN THE FIGHT: THIS REVOLUTION WILL BE TELEVISED.

Kerry took the phone to the bed, where she sat on the edge and tried to make sense of the blog entry that had been posted just minutes before they’d gotten to their hotel. Baba Seti’s words and ideas mirrored the content of the last article. Aside from mentioning their marriage and his legacy, there was little mentioned of Jamison being a part of the rally or even in Cuba.

“He just posted this,” Kerry said. “But he had to have written it before we left. Like when we were still in Atlanta.” She scrolled up to the image and finally her voice was bewildered as she admitted, “He had someone take those pictures of us?” She looked up at Val. “You think he’s behind this—these pictures?”

“I think so, but there are so many articles, it’s hard to tell,” Val revealed.

Kerry looked like she was sick to her stomach. “So many?”

“A lot.”

“But, I don’t understand. Why would people be interested in why I’m in Cuba? Like, how is that even a topic and why would Baba Seti be writing about it? He had to know I’d see this. He had to know.” Kerry looked at the pictures again. She was standing there beside Baba Seti. Tyrian under her arm. The heat of Cuba already had them sweating and glowing. They looked like they were on some great mission. “What do you think I should do?” Kerry asked.

“You need to talk to him about this shit,” Val said quickly. “Find out why the hell he’s doing this and where the fuck is Jamison. That’s why we’re here, right?”

“But Tyrian—”

“Ernest can watch Tyrian. You don’t even have to worry about the nanny. We got you.”

“But I told him I’d take him to the beach.”

“Ernest can take him.”

“And I told Baba Seti I’d come to the compound later—after lunch.”

“Well, you’re changing it to now.” Val looked at Kerry seriously. “You need to talk to him. Like, you really do. It’s not only your image in the pictures—I’m in them too, and so is Ernest. You need to find out what’s up with this guy.”

“I know.”

“I don’t know if you really do,” Val said.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you’re in here unpacking your suitcase.” Val pointed around the room at various piles of clothing Kerry had arranged to put into the drawers. “You took time to get a nanny to care for Tyrian.” Then Val said bluntly, “You brought Tyrian.”

“I didn’t want to leave him alone. Not after what happened and then us leaving my mother’s house. And I couldn’t take him back there. I haven’t spoken to her since we left,” Kerry defended herself.

“Kerry, you’re stalling,” Val let out. “I think you’re stalling. I don’t know why. But, look, we’re here. All of us. We’re here for you. You know? And you don’t have to worry about anything. This is what you wanted. To find Jamison. And he’s here. So there’s no reason to wait. Like you said, you have to find him. So, go. Do it. Don’t waste another day, hour, or ten minutes wanting to do it. Just do it.”

Kerry rushed to hug Val. It was like she was hearing exactly what she needed to hear and exactly when she needed to hear it. She exhaled in her arms and took a deep breath like a baby who’d just finished crying.

“Okay,” she said.
