Page 70 of His Last Wife

“Bump all that, why don’t you try explaining how all of those pictures were taken of us at the airport and yesterday?” Val asked. “And then you put them up on your blog with all of these lies about us and why we’re here?”

“It is a part of the preparation,” Baba Seti said. “I apologize if you saw it as anything else. You will soon understand. All of you will.”

“What is the preparation you keep talking about?” Ernest asked.

“The return,” Baba Seti answered.

“Do you mean Jamison? Because he’s coming here?” Kerry asked.


Kerry smiled and looked at Val. The smile wasn’t returned. Val instead looked at Ernest, concerned for what Kerry wasn’t seeing or didn’t want to see.

“Where is he?” Kerry asked. “Is he near? Is he close? Is he in this building?”

“He is everywhere,” Baba Seti said. “All around us. The ora. Yes.”

Nzingha stepped into the room and gave Baba Seti a nod.

He smiled and took Kerry’s hands. “It is time, my sister. He is here.”

“Really? Really?” Kerry said.

“Really?” Val said with less cheer and more surprise. “Really?”

“Yes. Please have a seat.” Baba Seti stood there and pointed at the chairs until Kerry and then Ernest and then Val, who held out the longest, would sit.

Outside the crowd was cheering “Ora!” so loud it sounded as if the windows would burst. This chorus flooded Kerry’s heart with expectation. She was red on the inside. Her heart was aflutter.

Babe Seti left them to go to the door. He opened it and Kerry immediately popped up, ready to see Jamison.

“Jamison!” she screamed ahead of herself before anyone walked in.

Then there were footsteps. The sound of a man’s shoes against the floor.

Val stood too, trying to get a look.

And then, in walked Brother Krishna.

Kerry looked past him and repeated, “Jamison?”

“Hello, Sister Torkwase,” Brother Krishna said, walking and standing in front of Kerry.

She kept looking over his shoulder and calling for Jamison.

“Where is he?” she said to him finally. “Where?”

Baba Seti closed the door.

“Won’t you please have a seat? All of you?” Brother Krishna said. By then Ernest was on his feet too.

“No!” Kerry hollered. “Where is he? You said he was here!”

“Please sit,” Baba Seti said.

“I won’t sit! You promised me him! Where is he?” Kerry was entering into a rage. The red of love inside of her had turned to fire.

“Where is he?” Val asked. “You said Jamison would be here. That’s why we came.”