Page 42 of Under the Bali Moon

“But that couldn’t have anything to do with me. He didn’t know how I’d react to him. If anything would happen between us,” Zena said.

“I don’t think he cared. I think he intended to keep trying. See, Adan thinks I’m slow. I know what this wedding thing was about. He was looking out for me, but he was also trying to win you back.”

When Zola got up to look at her braids in the mirror, Zena revealed that Adan admitted that the night before but added that she was sure Zola was his chief concern.

“Well, I guess we’d better get this show on the road, then,” Zola said. She left the mirror and reached for the garment bag containing Zena’s maid of honor dress hanging on a hook beside the bed. “I tried to get in here earlier so you could try this thing on. I hope it fits. We won’t have time for changes.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine. I think I’ve actually lost weight since Madame Lucille took my measurements at the shop,” Zena joked.

“Yeah. Right! You wish!” Zola winked and unzipped the bag, revealing a sleek bumblebee-yellow, single-shoulder satin robe with a thin cream waist bodice. The stylish dress was a mix of vintage chic and sophistication that immediately stole a smile from Zena.

Zena was up on her feet walking to the dress with her hands over her mouth to exemplify her awe and excitement. “This is for me? For me?”

Zola pulled the bag from the hook and let it fall to the floor, fully displaying her dress selection for her sister. “Yes.”

Zena didn’t know if she should hug Zola or go for the dress, so she did both. She took the dress from the wall and pulled Zola into an embrace. “I love it. I really love it.”

“I helped Madame Lucille design it. I wanted something really special for you.”

“But it’s too much. No? Like, it looks like something that could be for a bride.” Zena let Zola go and inspected the dress by holding the hanger out. “It’s just that beautiful.”

Zola was looking at Zena look at the dress. With pride, she said, “A beautiful dress for my beautiful sister.”

“Oh, thank you, Zollie.”

“Seriously. I really wanted to design something amazing for you. Something to show how special you are to me,” Zola explained. “This day isn’t just about me and Alton. It’s about you, too. About everything you’ve done for me—how you’ve been there for me. For us.”

“Of course, I’m there for you. You’re my baby sister,” Zena said.

“It’s more than that. You know it. You’ve been more than a sister. You’ve been a mother. A father. You’ve been there for me when I had no one. And you’ve believed in me,” Zola continued. “Last night, after the accident on the beach, that’s all I kept thinking about—you believe in me. Sometimes more than I’ve believed in myself. You see things in me that no one else can see. And I know for sure in my life that it has made all the difference.”

The dress fell over Zena’s skin as if she’d grown into it, as if it was a part of her.

Zola went to the bathroom to finish looking over her appearance. There was a soft knock at the door. Zena thought it was the housekeeper, so she quickly opened it up only to find Adan standing there in a tan linen suit. Somehow, Zena felt Adan shouldn’t be seeing her dress, so she covered her chest as if she was a bride and he was getting a peek.

“I’m sorry,” Adan said, covering his eyes.

“Wait! Wait!” Zena laughed, realizing her error. “I’m tripping. I’m not the bride. You can clearly look at my dress.” She laughed.

“Really?” Adan asked, still covering his eyes. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, silly.” Zena smiled at Adan’s playing. He looked handsome in his suit. Not too pretentious or formal. He was dapper but relaxed.

He lowered his hand and peeked at Zena. “I don’t know. I don’t want to get in trouble. You women and your wedding-day rules about people seeing your dress.”

“Well, it’s not my wedding day so you can see my dress.”

“Well, I was just coming over here before things get started to make sure you’re fine.”

“I’m fine,” Zena said. “Why wouldn’t I be? Shouldn’t I be?” She looked at Adan curiously, as if maybe he was seeing their evening exchange differently than she had. She hoped he hadn’t.

“I’m just wondering if you feel like I feel.” Adan grinned in a way that made him look fifteen years old again. Right then, Zena felt as if they were back in Georgia, back on their street, blushing at each other. “Look, I’m just excited.” Adan looked at Zena. “That’s the best way I can put it. I’m excited. I’m happy it happened. And, I guess, I came to say I hope you’re happy, too.”

Zena leaned into the door frame before Adan. “I am,” she admitted.

“Great.” Adan’s smile grew as he stepped back from the door to return to Alton. “I’m happy to hear that, because this is all I’ve wanted for a long time.”

* * *