Page 45 of Playing Hard To Get

12. Don’t settle for seconds. He’s not going to leave her.

13. If he hits you, leave and never return.

14. If you hit him, leave and get some help.

15. Even if you don’t own a gun, know how to use one.

16. Pack light and never stay where you’re not wanted.

17. If he has bad credit, don’t let him use yours.

18. Get a professional massage at a real spa.

19. If you need therapy, go and keep going.

20. Buy an expensive candle and burn it.

21. Write down your master plan.

22. Have a great resume, amazing cover letter, and three wonderful references.

23. Have a savings account.

24. Plan to retire, or you won’t.

25. Know how to pleasure yourself—yes, in bed.

26. Let it all go.

27. Establish friendships with a doctor, lawyer, and politician.

28. Get and cherish a mentor.

29. Be nice to your hair; it’s beautiful the way it is.

30. Write a kind letter to yourself, about yourself, and believe every good word.


After successfully conducting her third meeting of the Virtuous Women, Troy was finding her bearings. Instead of taking over everything and remaining in charge of most of the club like Myrtle did, she confided in the sisters that she knew she had weaknesses and couldn’t do it all on her own. While a few sisters said it was poor taste for a First Lady to admit she needed

help, others found Troy’s style refreshing and provided a hand when and where needed. They took turns leading prayer, allowed others to make suggestions about events, and put all talk about the incubus and succubus on hold. The biggest achievement the women made was a formal recommendation to the pastor that the president of their organization be allowed to sit on the altar on the fifth Sundays when the mass women’s choir sang. They thought it was a good petition, as it didn’t require too much shifting, at first.

“Do you want me to wait outside?” Kiona asked, walking out of the church library with Troy. After the meeting, Troy invited Kiona to a special treat in the city to thank her for her support.

“Sure, I just need to hand over the petition to Pastor Hall!” Troy said, holding the paper, which carried the signatures of all of the organization’s members.

“You mean your boo?”

Kiona and Troy embraced as they chuckled.

“He’s that too….”

Troy left Kiona and walked to Kyle’s office, where she was sure he was either editing his sermon for an upcoming guest visit to a church in Staten Island or playing computer solitaire, which he did from time to time to clear his head. While they hadn’t talked much about her new position, she knew he’d gotten lots of compliments from the church and sometimes she saw him walking very slowly past the open door of the library where the Virtuous Women met. She felt him reaching to hold her hand more than once as they stood in line after service to receive members and visitors, and once or twice, he’d turned to her and said, “This is my First Lady. She leads the top women’s organization at the church.”

Troy winked at Saptosa, Kyle’s assistant, as she made her way past her desk.

“Oh, First Lady!” Saptosa said. “I was hoping you’d come by.”