"Well, that being the case, could I make a suggestion, Lydia? Wolf is a little... difficult about his personal secretary fraternising with the mere workers." There it was again, that faint caustic note.

"The reputable Mrs. Havers was a positive iceberg. Have you met her?" Lydia shook her head silently.

"Well, you haven't missed anything," he continued with a faint grin.

"Anyway, it might be better for you if Wolf doesn't know we're old friends.

He wouldn't like it, and as you'll only be around for a short time it seems silly to -make waves, don't you think?"

"Well, I--' “It might make things a bit uncomfortable for me too," Mike continued quietly.

"You never know how Wolf is going to jump on things like this."

"Well, of course I don't want to do anything that might reflect on you,

Mike," Lydia said quickly.

"It's just that it seems... unnecessary."

"It isn't, believe me." He smiled quietly.

"Well, do we have a deal, then?"

"Well, I can't see it matters one way or the other, so I suppose it's all right," she said hesitantly.

"Good girl." His smile widened.

"And how about you and that delightful little daughter of yours coming to

Sunday lunch soon? I haven't seen her in months. I'll get Anna to ring you, shall I?"

"That would be nice, thank you." She forced a smile.

"And don't forget, not a word about our little secret." He leant across and kissed her lightly as he had done several times in the past, a social gesture, nothing more.

"Good afternoon."

If the ceiling had suddenly fallen in on her Lydia couldn't have reacted more violently. She shot out of her chair, hand to mouth, as she stared at Wolf's dark countenance in the doorway. It was clear he had heard, and seen, more than enough.

"I--I didn't know you were back," she stammered, aware she had gone a brilliant red.

"Obviously." He eyed Mike coldly.

"I presume you are in these offices for a reason, Mike?"

Mike had recovered far more quickly than she had, thrusting his hands casually in his pockets as he faced Wolf with an easy grin.

"Just wanted a word with you about the figures for Kingston," he said calmly,

'If it's convenient? "

"Perhaps later." Wolfs narrowed gaze brushed Lydia's hot face before he gestured to the finished work on her desk.

"Bring that in, would you? I'll glance through it before I do anything else.

I want some of those letters to go off tonight." His voice was infinitely cold, and she shivered as she glanced at Mike before gathering the files together.

"I'll ring you if I have time today, Mike." It was a dismissal, and Mike went without another word, not even glancing in' Lydia direction as he left.