Although certainly her body was reacting in a way that was definitely not child-like, she countered wryly as she carefully eased herself away from him.

He was holding her loosely now, his hands under her elbows, but the smell and feel of him were all around her and they were. unsettling. And thrilling. Undeniably thrilling.

"You haven't hurt yourself?" For a split second she considered saying yes so that he would hold her a little longer, but that impulse alone was enough to shock her _out of his hold as she shook her head, moving back a pace quickly.

What on earth's the matter with me? she asked herself weakly as he moved across the few feet of space and pressed the emergency button, his movements cool and controlled and his face expressionless. Is it sexual frustration


She shut her eyes briefly and prayed for the trembling that had taken over her limbs to still. But she didn't even have a sex drive, did she? Or not until three days ago, anyway.


"What?" She opened startled eyes to see his face inches from her own again, and the next moment he had taken her into his arms, stroking her face comfortingly as he held her close against him.

"The panic you're feeling," he said softly, his voice deep and low.

He had seen her trembling and put it down to claustrophobia? She said a mental thank you to her guardian angel.

"It's perfectly natural and you'll be out of here in a few minutes. Just relax and let me take the load--you're doing fine."

This wasn't helping, it definitely wasn't helping, she thought weakly as he enfolded her into him, wrapping his overcoat round her as he held her next to his heart. He thought she was scared to death but, instead of the biting scorn she would have expected, he was displaying a tenderness that was alarming. She was immensely glad a few seconds later when the emergency button buzzed loudly and the small intercom next to it crackled out the security guard's voice.

"Hello? Is anyone in there?"

"Rogers?" Wolf moved across to answer and Lydia leant limply against the wall of the lift, her heart thudding as she watched him.

"My secretary and I are in here. What the hell's happening?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Strade," the male voice answered promptly, 'but there's some sort of a power-cut that's affected all this side of the road. I understand it's being dealt with as quickly as possible, but I'm afraid there's nothing we can do at the moment. "

"Brilliant." He glanced across at her quickly before speaking again.

"Any idea how long before we're out?"

"Not long, sir." There was a brief pause while they heard him talking to someone else.

"About twenty minutes or so at the most."

"Right, keep me informed."

As he turned to face her fully again she spoke quickly in case he thought he had to continue the role of comforter.

"I'm fine now, really." She smiled brightly. "It was just the suddenness of it all."

"Good." He clearly thought she was just trying to be brave, because the expression of gentle concern that was so surprising on the harsh features didn't lessen.

"Well, we may as well make ourselves comfortable while we wait. I suggest you take-off your coat--it's already getting a little warm in here."

"Right." As she shrugged the jacket off her shoulders he moved quickly and drew it down her arms, his light touch burning her flesh as his fingers briefly made contact.

"Sit on this." He made his own coat into a large cushion, crouching down as he plumped it into shape. As she sat down on the wad of material he gestured at his tie. "Do you mind?" he asked mildly.

"I don't like these things at the best of times. "

"Of course not." He stood up again, for which she was supremely grateful.

The way the material of his trousers had moulded to his thighs had caused her breathing a few problems. He unbuttoned his jacket, revealing the _grey silk shirt tucked into the flat waistband of his trousers, and then loosened his tie, undoing the first few buttons of his shirt.