Page 32 of The Price of a Wife


'Please. Go and take the call.' She still kept her hot face buried, and it wasn't until she heard him pad away that she dared move.

How could she? How could she have come so near to—? To what? she asked herself faintly. Probably just a kiss. He had probably only wanted a kiss. But then she shook her head at her own naivety. Men like Luke Hawkton didn't stop at a kiss in a situation like the one they had been in and she knew it.

She was stupid. So, so stupid. How could she have succumbed to such an obvious seduction attempt? she asked herself blindly as burning humiliation set her whole body aflame. But it had failed. More through luck than judgement, she admitted painfully as she swung her legs over the lounger and put her head in her hands. Nevertheless, it had failed. And she would make sure it wasn't repeated.

By the time Luke returned she was in the pool enjoying some serious swimming, the silky water cooling her body and bringing reason where madness had prevailed.

'You swim very well.' He stood at the side of the pool looking down at her in the water, his dark face smiling, and she forced herself to respond lightly, as though neither of them was aware of what had so nearly happened.

'My father taught me at a very early age. In view of our fishing expeditions he considered it essential that I could at least stay afloat if the boat overturned.'

'You do more than stay afloat,' he said approvingly, before diving into the blue depths himself, his lean, powerful body cutting through the water effortlessly as he came to her side. She had half expected him to follow up on his advantage, but he made no move to touch her, merely swimming at her side as they covered lap after lap of the massive pool, his muscled shoulders tanned and dark.

She tired long before he did, climbing out of the pool and pulling the shirt and trousers on over her damp bikini before she lay down on the sun-warmed lounger. The evening was scented and warm as it closed about her in a drowsy comfort that made her limbs heavy.

She must have slept, although she wasn't aware of it until a firm, warm mouth closed over hers, bringing her awake in an instant, and she jerked up so suddenly that the top of her head caught Luke a resounding bang on his chin.

'Ow…' He rubbed his jaw ruefully, flinging himself down on the lounger next to her and turning on one elbow to look into her flushed face. 'Do you always react like that when you're kissed?' he asked with a wry smile.

'Not always.' Her voice was uncertain, breathless, and she heard it with a stab of contempt. That was not the way to handle a man like Luke, but unfortunately the flush that had begun at the bottom of her feet had now reached her face, and all because she couldn't tear her eyes away from the flagrantly male body in front of her. Droplets of water were lingering on the brown skin, giving his body the texture of oiled silk, and the big frame was perfectly honed and lean, without an ounce of fat to be seen.

'In that case could we try again?' he said softly as he stood up.


'Just a kiss, nothing more.' He pulled her up against him, feeling her tense in his arms, but his mouth was light on hers, the kiss fleeting, and perversely, even though she knew it was crazy, it left her wanting more. Which was probably part of the strategy, she thought tensely as he put her from him with a slight sigh, reaching for his robe on the lounger. 'It wasn't planned, you know…'

'What?' She watched him warily as he pulled the robe on and tightened the belt with a force that spoke of concealed frustration.

'Earlier.' He flicked his damp head at the lounger at her feet. 'You've been thinking it was a devious plan to have my wicked way with you, haven't you?'


In spite of her vehemence he smiled crookedly, his eyes narrowing. 'Don't ever play poker, Josie—you'd lose the shirt off your back.' He took her arm and they left the pool area, his hand warm under her elbow. 'Mind you, you are right in thinking I want you,' he said conversationally as they walked back towards the house.

'I beg your pardon?'

'And don't act as if it's new to you.' He looked down at her, dainty and tiny at his side. 'In fact, if I'm being honest—and I'm always honest in situations like these—I can't remember when I've wanted a woman more than I want you.'

'Am I supposed to feel flattered?' she asked tightly. 'Because if so I can tell you that the thought of being another number in your little black book doesn't appeal.'

'I don't have one.' He stopped and drew her round to face him as he grasped her other elbow. 'I mean I really don't have one. I don't know what you've been hearing about me—'

'Red Riding Hood and her long-toothed friend?' she suggested flatly. 'Something along those lines? And don't act as if it's new to you,' she added with a heavy dose of sarcasm, 'because you must know that people talk.'

'I've always treated that as an occupational hazard until now,' he said grimly. 'I don't care who has told you what, but there are certain rules I adhere to both in my personal life and in business, OK? I'm always totally honest about what I want, I never welch on a deal and I never play anyone for a monkey. Do you believe that?'

'I—' The dusk air was sweet and heavy and perfumed with a thousand summer scents, and in spite of herself she felt the insidious power that he held draw her to him. It didn't help that the water had allowed his hair, short as it was, to curl slightly, giving his harsh face a softer, more boyish look that was totally at odds with everything she knew about him. 'Do you have your hair so short because it tends to curl?' she asked suddenly, as the thought occurred to her, the words popping out of her mouth before she could hold them back.

'What?' The silver eyes narrowed in blank astonishment. His hair was clearly the last topic he had expected to discuss.

'Your hair.' She reached

up and touched a tiny wave before she realised how intimate the gesture was and jerked her hand away sharply. 'It looks quite different tonight.'

He gazed down at her for a full ten seconds before a small smile touched the hard line of his lips. 'It does curl,' he admitted, with a faintly sheepish air that did something crazy to her heartbeat. 'I've been trying to beat it since I was a boy. John and I used to get teased unmercifully at school, and we persuaded our mother to let us have it cut shorter than was the fashion then. I guess it's become a habit to have it short. Why? Don't you like it?' he added intently, the smile gone.