Page 115 of Millionaire's Woman

‘She’s very young to be such a fabulous cook,’ said Kate. ‘I’ve sampled some of her food, Jo. It’s delicious.’

‘No more delicious than the meal I had tonight,’ said Jack emphatically. ‘So is that a date, Jo? Or will you be too tired after your party?’

She shook her head, smiling. ‘I’d love to come.’

‘I’ll expect you about twelve, then. We can have a stroll with Bran in the garden before lunch.’

‘Great,’ said Jo, and got up. ‘Past my bedtime,’ she announced and leaned down to kiss Kate’s cheek.

‘Goodnight, darling, sleep well.’

Jo smiled as Jack got to his feet. ‘It was nice to meet you. Thank you again for the chocolates. I’ll look forward to Sunday.’

‘So shall I,’ he assured her.

Jo hesitated, then held up her face and Jack touched his lips to the smooth cheek, his voice husky as he bade his daughter goodnight.

When they were alone Kate exchanged a long look with Jack, then went into his arms with a shaky sigh.

‘Well?’ she said, tipping back her face. ‘What do you think of our daughter?’

‘She’s a darling.’ Jack leaned his forehead against hers. ‘I can’t believe she’s ours. I hope to God we can tell her the truth without turning her against me.’

‘And me,’ she reminded him, but Jack shook his head.

‘She very obviously thinks the world of you, so that won’t happen, Kate. As I said before, I’m the villain of the piece.’

‘We needn’t tell her about Dawn—’

‘But we will.’ Jack raised his head. ‘Meeting her tonight clarified that for me. If we have any hope of life together as a family, Jo must know everything.’

‘I just wish we could tell her in a way that wouldn’t hurt her—or you.’ Kate took his hand. ‘It’s not late. Stay for a while, Jack. I need you.’

‘I need you too,’ he said with feeling, and drew her down on the chaise with him. ‘Would our daughter be shocked if she saw me cuddling you?’

‘She’s thirteen, not three, Jack! She’d probably think it strange if we weren’t.’

He laughed and rubbed his chin over her hair. ‘Do you think she liked me?’

‘Of course she did. Otherwise she wouldn’t have been chatting away so happily.’

‘I’ll ask Dad round to lunch on Sunday, too. He can always take off later if he can’t face the showdown.’

Kate nodded thoughtfully. ‘Good idea. Jo liked him and, after all, he is her grandfather.’

‘He knew that the moment he saw her, which is why he was knocked for six.’ Jack sighed. ‘I suppose I’d better be on my way. Shall I call in tomorrow?’

‘Not tomorrow. Ben’s away so we’re sharing pizza and a video with Anna in the evening, but we’re in on Friday. Come for a drink on your way home.’

‘I’ll finish early for once. I need to make the most of her while I can.’ He stood up with Kate and set her on her feet. ‘After Sunday’s revelations she may never want to set eyes on me again.’

Jack’s words stayed with Kate as she got ready for bed. It was hours before a dream-troubled sleep overtook her, but she woke early and got up feeling tired and heavy-eyed, in direct contrast to Joanna, who came bounding into the kitchen, full of the joys of spring.

‘I like Jack,’ she announced. ‘He’s easy to talk to, like Ben. Only better looking,’ she added with a grin, and poured herself some orange juice. ‘He’s quite a hunk!’

‘I’m glad you approve,’ said Kate dryly. ‘How about scrambled eggs?’

‘No thanks. I’ll just have yoghurt and toast.’ Jo applied herself to her breakfast while Kate drank a cup of tea. ‘Aren’t you going to eat anything?’