"Uh," I said, feeling somewhat off balance. "What do I think of g*y guys?"


"Boink and let boink, more or less."


"Meaning it doesn't have a lot to do with me," I said. "It's none of my business what they do. I don't go over in their living room and get my freak on with women. They don't come over and do whatever they do with other guys at my house."

"You don't feel that they are morally wrong to do so?"

"I have no idea if it's right or wrong," I said. "To me, it mostly doesn't matter."

"And why not?"

"Because even if they are doing something immoral, I'd be an idiot to start criticizing them for it if I wasn't perfect myself. Smoking is self-destructive. Drinking is self-destructive. Losing your temper and yelling at people is wrong. Lying is wrong. Cheating is wrong. Stealing is wrong. But people do that stuff all the time. Soon as I figure out how to be a perfect human being, then I'm qualified to go lecture other people about how they live their lives."

"An odd sentiment. Are you not 'only human'? Will you not always be imperfect?"

"Now you're catching on," I said.

"You do not see it as a sin?"

I shrugged. "I think it's a cruel world. I think it's hard to find love. I think we should all be happy when someone manages to do it."

"Love," Titania said. She had keyed on the word. "Is that what happens here?"

"The guys who come here for anonymous sex?" I sighed. "Not so much. I think that part's a little sad. I mean, anytime sex becomes something so . . . damned impersonal, it's a shame. And I don't think it's good for them. But it's not me they're hurting."

"Why should that matter?"

I just looked at Titania for a second. Then I said, "Because people should be free. And as long as something they want to do isn't harming others, they should be free to do it. Obviously."

"Is it?" Titania asked. "It would not seem to be, judging from the state of the mortal world."

"Yeah. A lot of people don't get that," I said. "They get caught up in right and wrong. Or right and left. But none of that stuff matters if people aren't free."

Titania studied me intently.

"Why are you asking me about that, of all things?" I asked.

"Because it felt appropriate. Because my instincts told me that your answers would tell me something about you that I needed to know." Titania took a deep breath. "What think you of my sister?"

I debated for a second: polite answer or honest one?

Honest. It's almost always best to go with honest. It means you never have to worry about getting your story straight. "I thought Mab's wrath was pretty bad until I found out what her affection was like."

At that, I think Titania almost smiled. "Oh?"

"She nursed me out of bed by trying to kill me every day for eleven weeks. She scares the hell out of me."

"You do not love her?"

"Not by any definition of the word I've ever heard," I said.

"And why do you serve her?"

"Needed her help," I said. "That was her price. Sure as hell wasn't because I like the decor in Arctis Tor."

Titania nodded. She said, "You are unlike the other monsters she has shaped for herself over the centuries."

"Uh. Thank you?"

She shook her head. "I have done nothing for you, Harry Dresden." She pursed her lips. "In many ways, she and I are alike. In many more ways, we are entirely different. Do you know what my sister believes in?"

"Flashy entrances," I said.

Titania's lips actually twitched. "In reason."


"Reason. Logic. Calculation. The cold numbers. The supremacy of the mind." Titania's eyes became distant. "It is another place where we differ. I prefer to follow the wisdom of the heart."

"Meaning what?" I asked.

Titania lifted her hand and spoke a single word, and the air rang with power. The ground buckled, ripping my circle apart and flinging me from my feet onto my back.

"Meaning," she said, her voice hot and furious, "that you murdered my daughter."

Birds flew shrieking in every direction as if released from a centrifuge. Titania raised a hand, and a bolt of lightning fell from the tornadic sky and blew a smoking crater the size of my head in the ground a yard away.

"You dare to come here! To ask for me to interfere in my sister's business! You who gave my Aurora an iron death!"

I tried to get up, only to have Titania grab the front of my jacket and lift me off the ground. With one hand. She held me straight up, over her head, so that her fist was pressed against my chest.

"I could kill you in a thousand ways," she snarled, her opalescent eyes whirling with colors. "I could scatter your bones to the far corners of the earth. I could feed you to my garden and make you scream the entire while. I could visit torments on you that would make Lloyd Slate's fate seem kind by comparison. I want to eat your heart."

I hung there over the furious Queen of Summer and knew, knew for certain, that there was not a damned thing I could do to save my own life. I can do things, sure-remarkable things. But Titania had no more to fear from me than a polar bear does a field mouse. My heartbeat became something close to a solid tone, and it was all I could do not to wet my freaking pants.

And then something really unsettling happened.

Tears filled her eyes. They came forth and spilled over her cheeks. Titania seemed to sag. She lowered me to the ground and released me.

"I could do these things. But none of them," she whispered, "would give me my daughter back. None of them would fill the emptiness within me. It took time, but Elder Gruff's wise counsel helped me to see that truth."

Hell's bells. Elder Gruff had spoken on my behalf? I owed that guy a beer.

"I am not a fool, wizard. I know what she had become. I know what had to be done." More tears fell, shining like diamonds. "But she was mine. I cannot forget that you took her from me. I cannot forgive you for that. Take your life and leave this place."

I sounded a little unsteady to my own ears when I spoke. "If the Well is ruptured, your realm stands to lose as much as the mortal one does."

"The wisdom of my heart tells me to hate you, mortal," Titania said, "whatever my reason might say. I will not help you."

"No? What does your heart tell you is going to happen if those things in the Well are set free? They're immortals. The fire in the fail-safe might keep them down for a while, but they'll be back."