“Dad probably did them.”

“Well, even if it was him the investigators refuse to see the glaring connection.”


“Because they suck.”

“And you think Dad didn’t do it?”

“He might have set the fires, sure. I spoke to him and he was rather noncommittal about anything.”


“But, even more so, Delilah went to him for help a few weeks ago. Know why she would do that?”

“Out of options. She was out of options. Had to be. Plain and simple.”

“Can she not make it on her own?”

“Not really. Delilah was a failure to launch. I don’t really remember a time where she lived alone for very long. Maybe between roommates but she’d just fill the void with a boyfriend. She’s too much of a social creature. I think she associates surviving with other people. To survive she needs another presence to take care of her. Like an enabler of sorts.”

“Okay.” I need to start looking for someone else she’s living with then. “Your father, he said he gave Delilah forty bucks and sent her on her way. Is your mom not an option to her now?”

“Not if she doesn’t have any money. Plus, Mom would just harp on her about straightening up. Always has. Delilah doesn’t want to listen to anyone, let alone Mom.”

“Alright. So she goes to your father and bums money.”

“Really? Dad? She didn’t stay?”

“Said an old boyfriend would take care of her. Know anyone?”

“Not Pierce or that Dobbins guy?”

“It might be that Dobbins dropped her off at your dad’s. Either way both are dead so if they were taking care of her, they’re not now. How would she get money right now, today, you think?”

“Mr. Derne. Or the same way she got it before: playing people’s emotions.”

“Mr. Derne says he hasn’t given her anything. He cut her off. You trust that?”

“Yes. Mr. Derne was always there, but he was old school. Stern. Stern Derne.” She laughs an empty chuckle at her rhyme.

“Anything else then?”

“I couldn’t tell you. Ever since I joined up I get family updates in snapshots. I get the sanitized versions. It’s hard to see things for what they are when you are being told them over the phone. You know?”

“I do.”

“About the fires...” Belinda says. “Why won’t the other investigators look at one suspect for all three?”

“One guy thinks that Mr. Derne pissed off the mob. He has done work for them over the years that landed in civil court. If his was the only fire I’d at least see where that path takes me but it doesn’t make sense otherwise.”

“And the other fire? In Delilah’s old house?”

“The wife had an ex-boyfriend who is starting to confess to other arsons. That investigator thinks it’s only a matter of time before he confesses to this one as well.”

“Well, that makes sense.”

“Yeah, but things like that happen. A crime occurs, you attach a suspect to it—even if it is purely circumstantial—you investigate and you find out that suspect has committed other crimes just like the one you are working but the suspect didn’t commit this crime.” I exhale. Long week. “Things like that happen. They’ve happened to me. They’re happening now with the fire.”