“One hour, Lacey,” I said.

“If you’re late, we’ll take you into your cabin and spank that sweet ass of yours before we go.”

We left her there, her mouth hanging open and her cheeks flushed even hotter as we led the horses toward the stables.



I pulled the phone away from my ear as my sister screamed. “Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god!”

I rolled my eyes.

“Stop!” I groaned.

“I will…I promise. Oh my god.”

She’d been saying that over and over for the past minute. I’d called to tell her everything. Well, almost everything. I couldn’t keep it to myself. It was too crazy. Too overwhelming.

“Were they good?” Before I could reply, she prattled on. “Of course, they were good. I bet they had cock monsters, didn’t they?”

I thought of Micah and Colt, and their cocks. Yes, they fell under the classification of monster sized.

“Okay, give me the details. Every one of them.”

I sat down on the edge of my bed. This cabin was rustic but had more amenities than the one in the backcountry. The one I’d probably remember for the rest of my life. Having a bathroom—a toilet and shower—were definite perks. But I was all alone. Somehow, I missed Colt and Micah. It had been ten minutes since they’d sauntered off to the stable and I’d been able to ogle their perfect cowboy backsides.

“There was a thunderstorm,” she supplied. “Start there. Don’t leave anything out.”

I had to laugh. For once, Ann Marie was living vicariously through me. Years ago, she’d been a little star struck by my job, by the fame. But she’d quickly learned that being a star wasn’t all it wa

s cracked up to be and began to empathize with my very sheltered—and completely exposed—life. And she’d married Mr. Perfect. Tall, dark, handsome…and rich. Gabe was everything a woman wanted, not that Ann Marie was a gold digger. But he was actually madly in love with my sister and that was all that mattered. I’d give up my career and fortune for true love like hers.

Now it was her turn to be envious.

“I have less than an hour to get ready before they come back.”

“They’re coming back?” She squealed again. “Lacey, does that mean they want more? It wasn’t just a one-night-stand?”

“They want forever.”

That shut her up. The line was completely silent and I pulled the phone away from my head again to make sure the connection hadn’t dropped.

“I’m sorry, what? Forever? As in…long term?”

“I’m pretty sure that’s what forever means,” I said. I plucked at the pretty quilt on the bed.

“Yeah, but…you just met them! And I put the emphasis on them. Did you even have time to talk?”

I couldn’t help but grin, even though she couldn’t see it. “Yes, we talked. And as for the them thing, Bridgewater accepts plural marriages.”

“Marriage? You mean they want to marry you? Lacey, either you were incredible in bed or these men…what? Had love at first sight?”

I felt a smidge hurt by her words, that I wasn’t worth a lifetime commitment.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” she plowed on as if sensing my feelings. “Not about your mad sex skills, which I’m sure they’re fantastic, but of course they’d fall in love with you right away. You’re fabulous and if they see that in you, then I like them.”

I thought of Micah, his easygoing demeanor, his quick smile. Then Colt, with his intense bearing, yet gentle touch. Was it possible it was love at first sight?