“We don’t care about your past, who you’ve been with. We only care about your future,” Micah said.

“When we kissed you earlier, those were your last first kisses, sugar.” Colt seemed very adamant. While he knew first hand I wasn’t a virgin, he seemed to really wish there had been no previous guys in my life.

“You’re so sure of this,” I countered, studying his rugged face. I wanted to reach up, stroke his jaw and feel the rasp of his whiskers.

Colt grinned wickedly and it made my nipples harden. He was so damned confident. “Yes, ma’am.”

I sighed. Clarified. “You aren’t rebound guys. I never slept with Chris. Everyone thought we had, that we were getting married even. But it was all lies. I don’t even like him.” I pursed my lips. “He’s an asshole who fucked a random woman in my bed. In my house. I don’t stand for that. Maybe you do since you shared me.”

Colt’s eyes narrowed and he tipped my chin up with his fingers. “Micah and I don’t share you. You’re ours. As for other guys? Not happening. We might be a threesome, but all we want is you.”

Oh. That was pretty darn clear.

“You said everyone thought you were together with this guy. Who’s everyone? Your parents?” Micah asked.

My father had been out of the picture since I was four. Divorced and moved to Alabama to be with his secretary. As for my mother, she knew the deal. Knew I wouldn’t stand for the stuff Chris did, nor anything the tabloids wrote. She’d raised me well enough to not be a doormat to any man. “No, the media. Well, the tabloids.”

“Tabloids? Why the hell are tabloids keeping track of you?” Micah asked.

“I told you I’m an actress. I’m in a show on TV and the tabloids like to print stuff about me.”

“You were in Korea for work?”

I nodded. “I have a big following over there. The show does.”

Both were quiet as they absorbed my words.

“What about you?” I asked Colt. “You’re a champion roper. What else?”

He grabbed a few olives, popped them in his mouth. “I told you I have my own ranch. It’s a thirty-acre spread in the prettiest valley you’ll ever see.”

I had to wonder about that since where we were right now was amazing. I could only imagine what his property looked like.

“I live in a small cabin on the property, and I’ll build a house and stables over time. Until then, I’m foreman for Ethan and Matt.”

“And you?” I glanced at Micah.

“I went to college for business, then came back here. I like the wide-open spaces and sharing it with others. An adventure company seemed like a good fit. So far, it’s been going well.”

“You’re a full-service company,” I commented, thinking of how well they were taking care of me—with and without my clothes.

He smiled, ran a finger down my nose. “Just for you. And remember, we canceled your trip, so you’re not really a client.”

“Had enough?” Colt asked.


“What else did you have in mind?” he asked.

I raised my eyebrows. This was where I got to decide how the rest of the night went. I could tell them no, that I wasn’t interested and they’d back off. Even sleep outside. But we’d all know it was a lie. How I’d responded to them earlier couldn’t have been faked. I wasn’t that good of an actress.

Did I take them at their word, that they were interested in more with me? That this wasn’t just a quick vacation fling? It wasn’t as if I mentioned more to them and they were stringing me along. They’d brought it up. I was a sure thing. They could have just said we’d all have fun in this remote cabin and then part ways, well satisfied, back at Hawk’s Landing.

But they hadn’t. In fact, they really did seem to want more. But then again, so had Chris. And I’d been burned in the past by those spouting whatever they thought I wanted to hear to get something from me. But now? I was sitting in one guy’s lap while another fed me. They were eager for more sex. And they’d give it to me, I just had to say the word.

I’d panicked when I’d woken up, my body sated and a little sore from their attentions. It so wasn’t like me. But I’d done it and I’d enjoyed it. They’d been attentive and kind, wild and very sexy. Playful even. What woman in their right mind denied herself more?

Not me. Whatever tomorrow brought, it didn’t matter right now. No one knew I was at Hawk’s Landing. No one knew I was in this remote cabin. I could be myself. No acting. No pretense.