“We’d never have fucked you if we weren’t planning on making you ours,” he continued.

“Hell, we made you ours the second we sunk into your sweet pussy.”


Micah covered her mouth with his finger first, long enough to keep her quiet until he kissed her.

I watched as her body went from taut to languid and while the rope held her in place, Micah’s hands on her arms kept her from falling to the ground.

“We’re Bridgewater men, Lacey,” Micah said. “Do you know what that means?”

A deep V formed in her brow. “That you grew up here. You told me that earlier.”

“True,” I said. “But in Bridgewater, it’s common for two men to marry one woman.”

Her mouth fell open and I saw her straight, white teeth. “That’s insane.”

“Nope. That’s Bridgewater. The original founders back in the late 1800’s followed a custom from a country called Mohamir. Heard they were stationed there in the British army. It’s not around anymore, but their ways stuck. Two men—”

“Sometimes three,” Micah added.

“—marry one woman. And it’s usually love at first sight.”


“Shh,” Micah said, putting a finger over her lips. “We’ll save that word for when the time’s right. For now, just know we knew the second we saw you. You’re the one for us.”

“Most men in Bridgewater share a woman?” she asked.

“Matt and Ethan, Hawk’s Landing’s owners are engaged to Rachel. Having a baby together, even.”

She stared at my chest and I could tell she was thinking, not ogling. “I met Matt when I arrived, but it wasn’t as if he wore a sign saying he shared a fiancée.”

I huffed out a small laugh.

“I told you I work with a chopper company that takes some of my clients into the backcountry,” Micah said. “It’s run by Rory and Cooper. They just married Ivy, their high school sweetheart.”

“You want to marry me?” she asked, only after Micah kissed her once again. Her eyes were no longer narrowed, but a tad blurry. She seemed to like Micah’s attentions.

“Not today,” I replied, stroking a knuckle over her cheek. So damn soft. “Today we’re going to get to know each other. So, no running off. This cabin is ours tonight. No one else is around. No distractions.”

“Are you hungry?” Micah asked, stepping away and picking up the bag again. He walked up the steps, settled in one of the Adirondack chairs, began taking the food out and placing it on the small table.

“Yes, but I seem to be tied up at the moment,” she grumbled, trying to get free of the rope, then glancing up at me. “Will you let me go?”

I walked around her once, circling more rope about her. “Nope. You’re staying just like that.”

“I can’t feed myself with my arms pinned!”

I scooped her up in my arms honeymoon-style, and careful of the extra rope, walked up onto the porch and settled in the empty chair, Lacey in my lap. She wiggled and there was no doubt she could feel my hard cock.

When she stilled and her wide eyes turned to mine, I grinned. Yeah, she’d felt it all right.

“We’ll feed you as we talk,” Micah said.

The meal included slices of salami and ham, a block of hard cheddar, olives, mixed nuts, a loaf of French bread, chocolate chip cookies and a thermos of iced tea. I knew there was more, but Micah had selected finger foods, easy to feed to our little captive.

Micah held up an olive. “Like these?”