Whoever invented snap shirts was a genius because I wanted to grab the front of their shirts and rip them open.




Until their solid chests and rock-hard abs were exposed and I could run my hands all over them.

Them. Both guys.

Even after I pushed that thought away, another popped into my head. How many condoms were there stocked in the honeymoon cabin. And lube? Yeah, I might need to toss that in my bag, too. While I’d been embarrassed by Ann Marie and her matchmaking, she was right. The kisses—from both of them!—sealed the deal. Sealed with a kiss! I tried to suppress a giggle at that.

My nipples were out of my control and I had to cross my arms to cover their bad behavior because it wasn’t just my ovaries that were standing up and taking notice.

Micah was the fair haired one and Colt was dark. Colt’s square jaw was clean shaven, his hair cut short and neat. He was almost a foot taller and a foot wider than me. While he wasn’t scary, he certainly was imposing, until his kiss and the gentleness of his hands eased any worry. His piercing dark eyes raked over me in a way that had my skin heating. My lips tingling. While he might be an employee of Hawk’s Landing, he was looking at me like a man. A man interested in a woman. In everything he saw.

Micah seemed a touch more easy-going, quick with those ruthless-to-my-panties smiles. While he wasn’t looking at me as if I were prey, I couldn’t miss the heated gleam. Especially after I told him I didn’t have either a husband or a boyfriend.

What appealed to me the most was that they had no idea who I was. No flare of recognition, only heat. No stuttering or surprised pauses. Not even a “you look heavier in person” which I got from some male fans. Nothing. They wanted me. The real me.

When Micah had handed me a short list of items I should bring and I went in to pack them in the small bag he provided, I sat on the edge of the bed. They didn’t know who I was.

To them, I was just Lacey, sister of the bride that didn’t show. Not the actress who supposedly just got dumped by her rock star boyfriend.

Colt had said they promised a trip I’d never forget. Based on the looks they gave me, the kisses, and Ann Marie’s none-too-subtle attempt to get me laid, I knew there was a whole lot of hidden meaning—and lube—involved. They couldn’t have missed my hard nipples. I groaned and glanced down. Now they behaved. And they knew I was into their kisses. Both of them. Oh god. Two men.

I shook my head, then looked at the list. They were waiting for me, horses at the ready to go off on a little a

dventure. Besides the fact I was going with two extremely hot guys, I couldn’t get any more off the grid. No phones, no cameras. Nothing. This might not be the retreat Tessa’d had in mind, but heck, when God gave me two hot cowboys, I went horseback riding in Montana.

I stood, grabbed my sweatshirt, raincoat, sunscreen and the other things on Micah’s list and got busy. Glanced at the bedside table, took a deep breath, grabbed the condoms and yes, the lube.



Somehow, I’d made it twenty-six years without getting on a horse. I’d been fine with that, hadn’t known it would be remotely interesting. I’d been completely wrong. I was enjoying it a whole heck of a lot. Of course, I never imagined riding between two Marlboro men—minus the cigarettes and ten times the sex appeal—either. That made all the difference. I was practically drooling at the way their strong thigh muscles were blatantly visible beneath taut jeans. Their hips rocked with the gentle motion of the horses and had me wonder what else they could do with them. Not the horses, their hips. And their hands holding the reins? Gah.

I had no idea I had a hand fetish until now. I definitely noticed the lack of wedding rings. I spent the first hour just silently ogling them. I had to hope they were thinking I was just taking in the beautiful scenery. I was, but not the beautiful scenery they were thinking.

I did begin to appreciate the mountains, the bright green valley with spots of colorful wildflowers. The warm sun that was filtering through the fast-moving clouds, the fresh air. The peace.

“Where are you from, Lacey?” Micah asked, breaking me from my thoughts. They’d been quiet ever since we left the ranch, seemingly content without any kind of small talk. Besides some heated glances and Colt helping me up onto the horse with a little more attentiveness than necessary, the kisses weren’t mentioned and they’d done nothing else overt.

I turned my head. Micah’s cowboy hat was low on his head, blocking out the sunshine, but his dark eyes were on me, waiting.


“Never been,” Micah replied. “Heard there’s bad traffic.”

Out here, with the wildflowers and the soft breeze, LA seemed so far away. “Bad traffic, annoying people. Just busy. But there’s better weather.”

“Than this?” Colt asked, lifting a hand from his reins to signify the gorgeous day.

I looked up at the sky, saw a bird soar past. “This is spectacular. I bet winters are pretty cold and you’re stuck inside a lot.”

“Being stuck isn’t so bad if you’re with the right person.”