“Please. I need you inside me,” he asked again. My cock was rock hard, out in front of me like it was begging just as much to be inside him.

“I was trying to look at my flowers so that I don’t accidentally come the second I’m inside you,” I said.

He laughed as I slowly pulled my fingers out of him. “You can come whenever the hell you want.”

I reached for the condom nearby, rolling it on and slicking myself with lube. Cam was already perfectly bent over, pushing his ass out so perfectly, and I took a deep breath in.

Something caught inside my chest. It was a feeling I hadn’t felt in so long, so unfamiliar that I couldn’t even place it at first.

But it was unmistakable—I was nervous.

Nervous, to fuck this man. I hadn’t been nervous to have sex with somebody since… well, since I was overseas. Since it was a real, life-threatening risk.

Since the last time I actually, truly cared about someone.

All of a sudden it was difficult to swallow. I looked back up at the wisteria flowers, trying to ground myself. I placed my hands gently on Cam’s hips.

I wasn’t afraid because the situation was scary. I was afraid because the situation was so good. And I never, ever wanted to have it taken from me. The way so many things had been taken from me in the past.

“Damn, you must really want me to beg, don’t you?” he said, turning to smile at me. He paused when he saw my face, turning around more fully. It was like a raincloud had passed over his beautiful blue eyes, and I instantly felt guilty for making that happen. For ruining the moment.

“You okay?”

“I am okay,” I said. “Just taking a second.”

I didn’t know how it was possible for me to feel so much for Cam in that moment. I hadn’t even fucked him before. I’d had sex with plenty of people, no strings attached, over the course of the last four years. I was good at hookups, and not making a big deal out of sex.

And now that Cam was looking back at me, the moment felt like it was crashing down, all because everything suddenly felt so intense for me.

I wasn’t going to let that happen. I wanted this, deeply wanted it, more than I’d wanted anything in a long time.

“We don’t have to do this, you know,” he said. “If it’s…”

“You’re not leaving until I fuck you,” I said, keeping my voice low and steady. “I’m going to fuck you. Deep and slow. And you’re going to come while you’re riding my cock, and I want to feel you so damn tight around me.”

He blew air out of his mouth, turning to show me his cock, which was now leaking precum again in a small line, dripping from his tip.

“I really do want it, Luke.”

I pulled in a deep breath. “I just need one thing. Really quickly. And I will be right back. Stay here.”

I made my way out of the greenhouse toward the herb garden, bending down to pluck two mint leaves from the plant. I chewed on one, focusing on the cooling flavor, closing my eyes for a moment and letting myself come back to the present.

Back in the greenhouse, Cam looked even sexier than he had before.

“Here,” I said, holding a mint leaf out.

“Oh,” he said. “That’s all you were getting?”

“Yes,” I told him. “It calms me down. Wait, what did you think I was…?”

A slight blush came over his cheeks. “There is a small chance I thought you might never come back.”

“Christ, Cam,” I said.

“I know, I know.”

“I will never do that to you. Ever. I don’t care if we are breaking all of the damn rules right now. We’re breaking them together. Okay?”

Something about acknowledging it—we were breaking all of the rules—made it even hotter.

“I guess I also thought there was a chance you were going to come back in here with some sort of intense sex toy.”

I snorted. “You’re kidding me.”

He shrugged. “Some people can’t come without them. It’s not bad.”

Already I could feel my tension lowering. I loved being around Cam. I loved that he could see something funny or sweet in any situation. He was so open to anything, and accepting when I needed to do certain things.

He moved forward, gently taking the mint leaf from my hand with his lips.

“So good,” he said. “I love fresh mint.”

He swallowed and I leaned forward, crushing my lips against his in a kiss.

“God, you feel so good,” I uttered against his lips. “You taste so good.”

He chuckled. “Is that what the mint was for? Did I taste bad?”

“Hell fucking no,” I said. “Nothing about you is bad.”

I moved in to kiss him again quickly because I knew if I kept running my mouth, I’d say more, and I really didn’t need to be saying more right now. I kissed him until my lips started to wander again, making their way to his soft hair, his neck, down to his collarbone. My hands had a mind of their own, too, running across his body, tweaking a nipple and luxuriating in the moan that he made.