It had tried.

Many times.

The only thing stronger than the pursuit of death is being loved by it.

One Year Later


“This house has to be on the same level as Hayes Castle. I swear.” Tillie moves fluidly around the executive-style dining table in the kitchen. She tilts her head up to the glass ceiling. “I get why you did that. So no matter where you were in the house, you always had a clear view of the sky, good for plants and all that jazz, but you and Madison are some serious money splashers.” Brantley hated the idea of the ceiling because it gave too much light, but I fought for it because of my plants.

I point at her with my wine glass. “You cannot judge!” The living and kitchen area are clean black slate with stone marble countertops and plush leather seating, but as soon as you find yourself going deeper and deeper into the house, you’ll see secret doors that lead to other rooms. Plants line every crack, skirting, and line that they can, in a way that is also aesthetically appealing. Since it took so long to build and we had the baby while in New York, it had made the whole process complicated. Brantley ended up dropping more cash down to recruit two construction companies to get it done faster.

“I’m sorry I’m late!” Madison says, rushing into the kitchen while placing a tray of cupcakes on the counter. “Halen didn’t want to wear what I chose for her, and then Priest went wandering and I couldn’t find him!” She sighs, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. “Why did they have to be early walkers?”

“It has started,” I say, pouring a full glass of Pinot and sliding it over to her. “I’m glad Vaden isn’t at that level yet, but I’m sure he’s not far behind.” Just as the words leave my mouth, Brantley comes in with Vaden on his hip. I can’t fight the smile that spreads over my mouth. I don’t even try to hide it either. Vaden Bai Vitiosis, my one and only chance at having a child. The birth was bad. I was in the hospital for the final two months of my pregnancy because I couldn’t hold anything down. Doctors told me that it would be in my best interest not to conceive again. When I brushed them off, they pulled Brantley out of the room and told him that the hemorrhaging during birth made me a high risk, and that every pregnancy after Vaden would be like playing Russian roulette with my life.

That was all Brantley needed to get a vasectomy, much to my sadness.

“The grill is hot. Pretty sure Nate is going to hurt himself on it. I’m sure you don’t want his pretty face to get ruined.” He smirks at Tillie.

“Aw, Bran Bran.” Tillie pats his shoulder and moves around him. “When are you going to see that your face is just as pretty.” She moves out of the kitchen and Brantley turns over his shoulder, snarling at her. “Fuck off, it is.”

I step forward and take Vaden in my arms, kissing his head. He has black hair like his dad and the same contrast of skin as the both of us, but his eyes. It’s his eyes that are extraterrestrial. One dark brown eye and one ice blue. Two halves of both our souls.

“Motherhood is going to rob us,” Madison mumbles around her cupcake. “We’re going to be like The Real Housewives of Riverside—Mafia Edition.” I keep placing small kisses on top of Vaden’s head. “Do you see how terrifying that is?”

I burst out laughing and gesture to the sliding doors that lead out to the full wraparound patio. The scenery is one straight out of Architectural Digest. Surrounded by forestry and peace, I knew instantly I wanted to build here. Of course Brantley had to buy the whole ass mountain and name it Mount Dea, because the thought of so much as having anyone else living near us terrified him. Vampires… huh?

The infinity pool spills over the edge in smooth black movements. We had to import the specific black mosaic tiles from France, because nowhere else had them as dark as Brantley wanted. I’ve got to admit, the pool is scary. I strap Vaden into his chair, right beside Halen and Priest and next to War. I pause, and all of the laughter and talking that was happening before I came out stops. It’s as though everyone is seeing what I’m seeing.

“Look at them,” Nate says proudly from behind me. “We all made those. I can almost hear P.O.D.’s ‘Youth of the Nation’ blaring through my ears.”

War with his full head of blond hair and green eyes, Vaden with his unique yet perfect face, and Halen and Priest, both with dark brown hair, but where Priest’s eyes are blue, Halen’s are green.