Ophelia and Ivy walk in first, with Benny not far behind them.

“Girls wanted to see her,” Benny says, gesturing to the both of them as they pull Saint into a hug. Benny leans against the counter, his focus solely on me. “So double funeral?”

“Yeah, just separate plots.” I empty my coffee down the sink. “How were these two?”

Benny smirks, a little too fucking wide. “Ivy is a dream. Ophelia, on the other hand.”

“What? She’s immune to your charm?” I roll my eyes. “Who would have thought.”

He stares at me with wide eyes. “Nothing works on her. At all.”

“Good. Leave her alone.” We both watch them as they talk between each other—with the exception of Ivy. “What’d you find on the other two?”

Benny leans forward to rest his elbows on the kitchen island. “We couldn’t find anything on Frankie. Looked everywhere, but Frankie came from a rough home life. Poor as piss with parents who didn’t give a fuck about her. Alessi, we found tucked back up in her family home in Detroit. Not sure what happened there but didn’t want to disturb the dust. As far as she knows, it ain’t nothin’ to do with us.”

I nod. “Thanks, Benny.” I squeeze his shoulder before moving through the sitting room and down the hallway that leads to the master bedroom. Once I’m out of the shower and dressed, my phone starts blaring again. I fall onto my bed, swiping it unlocked.


“They’re both at the funeral home. We’ve all agreed that the sooner they’re buried the better, for all of us.”

My knee jiggles. “I agree.”

“So Bailey will be buried in the Vitiosis plot, and Cash in The Kings’ crypt.”

“Yeah, how are we going to work that?”

“We’ll have the wake at my house.”

“What, your actual house? It’s ready?” Bishop and Madison started the build of their home in Riverside before she went running to New Zealand. I didn’t realize that Bishop hadn’t stopped the building process. My lips crack in a smirk. Because the fucker knew he would get her back eventually.

“It was ready last week, but we were out. It gave Madison enough time to do all that girl shit and furnish it. If I knew the furnishings were going to be in the digits they’re in, I would have done it myself. I think she’s punishing me by spending money.”

I slip on my boots after putting him on speaker. “Would you rather her just shoot you again?”

He pauses, and I know he’s giving me a dirty look. Him dragging her back from New Zealand wasn’t easy this time around. He has a scar on his chest to vouch for that. “Fuck off.”

I laugh, shaking my head. “She’s going to be fucked-up over Cash. Make sure you’re doing all the right things and not being a complete fucking bastard to her.”

“What, you’re better?” He scoffs through the phone.

“Motherfucker, I’m cold, not a bastard. There’s a difference.”

“Mmhmm, and I suppose only Saint sees that difference.”

“Are you done?” I ask blandly, about ready to end our conversation because it’s going nowhere fast.

“No.” He silences, and I know he must be second-guessing the next words that come out. “We need to talk about Reaper shit.” My blood turns cold.

“—I’m not giving it up, Bishop. Not until the next King, being my own, takes my place.”

“Even if it bothers Saint?”

“Even if it bothers her, which she hasn’t told me it has. She knew what I did before she crawled her way onto my dick. Non-negotiable.”

“Because you still need it?” Bishop asks quietly.

I pause, my lashes sprawling out over my cheeks every time I blink. “Yeah, I can’t imagine a time I won’t.”

“All right. I’ll see you a little later tonight. The girls have planned a wake.”

“Of course they have.” I end the call and toss my phone onto the bed.

“Was that Bishop?” Saint asks from the doorway. She has obviously showered, wearing fresh clothes, but her face is free of makeup.

“So you girls planned a wake without us knowing?”

She moves farther into the room, before spreading her sexy as fuck legs wide and sinking herself down on top of me. Both knees are buried into the mattress, her fingers around the back of my neck. I rest my hands over her ass, looking up at her. “While we were on the flight home last night…”

“Hmmm,” I say, leaning up and swiping my tongue across her bottom lip. She has six seconds to say what she needs to say before I’m about to fuck her until she breaks.

“That’s what happens when you go quiet on me.” I pick her up and fling her onto her back, spreading each leg wide while resting between her thighs.

I grind my hips into her. “Wanna see what happens when you come sit your sexy ass on my lap without any warning?”

She smiles up at me, and it looks so fucking cute. “Actually, yeah.” She leans up and sucks my bottom lip into her mouth. I groan, fighting my eyes from rolling to the back of my head. “Do your worst.” The final word barely escapes as a whisper before my teeth sink into the side of her neck.