Page 64 of Winning Her Heart

"Dude, I just heard from James in the accounting department that you’re leaving to fucking Nevada?! You were just gonna run off and hang out 20 miles from Vegas without telling me? What the shit, Dom?” the voice explodes.

I am so confused, but I really don't like being yelled at like that so I respond by calmly replying, "I'm sorry who is this?"

It must be one of his friends or something, but based on the context it's probably a colleague from work. Immediately the voice stops yelling. "Oh fuck, I'm so sorry, this is Kevin. I was looking for Dom? Do I have the wrong number?" He asks apologetically, sounding a little panicked.

I can't even bring myself to answer him. I'm too shocked by the things he just said. Nevada? And he wasn’t even going to tell me. He was just going to ghost me all over again.

I'm not really surprised, more angry than anything right now. I walk over to the side of the bed where Dom is sleeping and grab him by his shoulder, shaking him roughly awake. I have to control myself from doing anything else to him.

I can't believe this is happening all over again. There goes my heart and feelings all shot to hell.

He jumps and looks around, startled. When he sees it's me he opens his mouth to say something but I just shove the phone in his face. Kevin is still on the line. Dom takes the phone sleepily and puts it to his ear. "Hello?"

I'm so angry right now I don't even want to be in the same room as him. I walk over to my dresser and pull out a clean nightgown. I hurriedly put it on over some clean panties. Afterwards I tie on a robe. I don't even give him a backwards glance as I march out of the room. He's still busy talking on the phone anyways.

I need to be away from him right now. I'm so filled with emotions I have no idea what to do. I just need to put some distance between us. Part of me just wants to get in my car and leave, but this is my fucking house, I’m not going to just let him chase me out.

So I settle for moving to another room, as far as possible while remaining in the house. Tears burn my eyes, but I blink them back. How could he do this again? Just when I thought things were changing between us for the better.

I get angry all over again and end up needing to move, to walk. I stand in the hallway, wondering what to do. I need something to distract me and keep me busy. I go to the kitchen. It's morning, so I might as well get started on breakfast, even if the idea of trying to eat right now turns my stomach.

And while I’m cracking eggs and stirring, I can forget, just for a moment, that my heart is breaking.

Chapter 20 - Juliette

I am beyond upset, I am fuming. I finally figured out what it was that he was thinking about during dinner last night. The thing that was weighing so heavy on his mind, and that he didn't want to share with me.

I'm guessing from the phone call that he didn't tell his friend either. That fact that he never mentioned his leaving to anyone proves what he was going to do. He was going to ghost me again. Just take off to Las Vegas and leave me hanging, and his friend too. What kind of a person does that?

Maybe it's my fault for getting involved with him from the start. I mean, we all do things we regret, but I don't know. I feel so torn and confused right now.

I also feel so stupid and foolish for giving into him last night. I trusted him again, and he was planning on doing this the whole time. I can't believe I gave him a second chance. I should have just left him alone after our first night together. I probably would have been better off. I wouldn't be upset right now, that's for damn sure.

I can tell he's still in the bedroom where I left him, because I haven't heard the door open yet. Good, because I'm not ready to see him or deal with him right now. I go to the fridge and pull out the cheese, tossing a handful into my scrambled egg mixture.

I slam stuff around angrily. I need to distract myself before I start crying. After I whisk the eggs I pour them into the skillet and start cooking. I hate that my emotions are everywhere right now. I can't understand why I'm so attached to this guy. There is really nothing special about him is there?